Am 18.04.20 um 19:47 schrieb Kevin J. McCarthy:
> On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 08:41:47AM -0400, Remco Rijnders wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 07:14:02PM -0700, Kevin wrote:
>>> I would also note that the current message id generation algorithm
>>> is deterministic.  It's easy to understand how it generates, and to
>>> know the exact limitations where it might fail.  Swapping out those
>>> bits of uniqueness with a random() call takes away the determinism.
>>> The tiny (in my opinion too) information leaks, are not worth that
>>> trade-off.
>> I think having the message ID being non deterministic would be of
>> greater value. The more deterministic it is, the easier it would be
>> for someone to create a clash.
> The opposite, I would say.  Unless you mean adversarially.  But there
> is no such threat model: I can easily steal your message id after
> you've sent the email.
>> I can't think of an example why someone would want to do that, but I
>> also can't really think of an example where a (fully) deterministic
>> Message-ID would be of value.
> The date/time partitions by time.  The host by... host.  The pid by
> mutt instance.  The counter within a single instance.
> With this, I can say that two mutt instances on the same machine won't
> generate the same message id, even if they are sent within the same
> second.  The same mutt instance also won't do that, unless you send
> >26 messages in a single second.
> Is this perfect?  No.  But your patch can no longer say even say that.
> It can merely say "probably".
>> In my opinion my patch reduces the complexity of the code, albeit in
>> a neglectable way, and also addresses the concerns about information
>> being leaked even when these concerns might be considered tiny or
>> pointless by you/Derek/some/most.
> But not without compromising the primary purpose of the id: to be unique.
> If there were a *real* threat model, Derek and I would take this more
> seriously.  But I'm not going to backtrack on the generator
> determinism just to satisfy vague "security" threats.
There is a possibility that if mail-to-news gateways are involved, that
then a prediction of Message-ID generation can be abused to collide
Message-IDs and hence suppress messages sent by the victim from
appearing on Usenet. That works by the attacker posting to some noise
messages with predicted Message-IDs to some random newsgroup, and the
victim's messages then get rejected by duplicate elimination (i. e. news
servers won't accept a message with a Message-ID they've already seen
elsewhere), and can only be found out systematically if the victim
regularly inquires his part of Usenet somehow to see if under his
Message-ID there are his own posts and not colliders.

A random part in the Message-ID would considerably reduce this attack

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