On 2020-05-06 15:32, Claus Assmann wrote:
On Wed, May 06, 2020, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
I suspect this is the contention point for opensmtpd. When invoking
$sendmail directly the headers and delimeter are all just LF. Is this
expectation that the MSP perform conversion documented anywhere?
Not in an RFC as that's just a local problem; the man page of the
MSP should document it.
If it's an MSP on Unix it would be rather "unusual" to expect
anything but the normal Unix line endings, after all, you should
be able to use a text editor to compose a message and just feed
it to an MSP "as is".
I don't know of any expicit documentation of this either, but it seems
to be standard practice to convert in both directions between the
network form and the local form at the boundary between the network and
the local system: in an MTA, a delivery agent, an IMAP server.... This
seems to me the most workable approach to an annoying problem.
From reading the ticket, I suspect the problem is in msmtp, an SMTP
client, a replacement for one function of sendmail. Sounds like msmtp
doesn't convert local to network in outgoing mail.
Some MTAs accept any kind of newline in incoming mail, even though the
RFCs don't require that. That would hide a problem in msmtp. Some MTAs
accept only CRLF, apparently including opensmtpd.
I guess msmtp is obsolete for Mutt users anyway, since Mutt now contains
an SMTP client.