I’d agree with that sentiment Steve
-- Sent from my iPhone > On 20 Apr 2020, at 19:09, ilf <i...@zeromail.org> wrote: > > Vincent Lefevre: >>>> Copyright (C) 1996-2016 Michael R. Elkins and others. >>> Thanks, but what should it be updated to say? Michael Elkins hasn't >>> contributed since 2016. Is it correct to swap the date to 2020, or should >>> I instead change the line to show my copyright? >> Michael Elkins hasn't contributed since 2016, but "others" have. > > I think it's fair to honor Kevin as maintainer more than "others". I would > propose something along: "Copyright (C) 1996-2016 Michael R. Elkins, 20XX to > 2020 Kevin J. McCarthy, and others. > > -- > ilf > > If you upload your address book to "the cloud", I don't want to be in it.