
On Feb 13, 2020, at 01:29, Arnt Gulbrandsen <> wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 February 2020 19:31:23 CET, Alexander Perlis wrote:
>> But instead of waiting for Microsoft to make the almost trivial change to 
>> support and advertise OAUTHBEARER on their server, which would be the 
>> correct long-term solution here, the short-term compromise would be for Mutt 
>> to recognize XOAUTH2.
> I've brought this to the attention of the right people at Microsoft, and 
> would not bother with a short-term hack just yet.

Awesome! Here's another OAuth2 obstacle involving Microsoft. This one is a bit 
more complicated, but perhaps you can also bring this to their attention. 
OAuth2 involves "token servers / authorization endpoints". To my knowledge, 
Microsoft provides 3 such endpoints:

Consumer endpoint:
Azure v1 endpoint:
Converged v2 endpoint:

According to Microsoft,

the "converged v2" endpoint is supposed to accept either consumer accounts or 
Azure accounts. My experiments indicate the converged v2 endpoint simply 
redirects requests involving a consumer account over to the consumer endpoint. 
However, before doing so, the converged v2 endpoint examines the requested 
scopes and returns an error if any scope is unfamiliar. This is a problem. The 
v2 endpoint doesn't recognize the "wl.imap" scope used with consumer accounts. 
This scope works fine if one were to connect directly to the consumer endpoint.

It now appears that a different scope (possibly "imap.accessasuser.all") will 
be used with Azure accounts on the v2 endpoint. But will that scope also work 
with consumer accounts? Unless the situation is sorted out and properly 
"converged", the Mutt documentation is going to be confusing for users:

  "Well, for Microsoft e-mail users, if you're trying to connect to a non-Azure 
consumer accounts like Hotmail or, then configure 
"" as the endpoint and "wl.imap" as the scope. But if you have 
an Azure account typically used with Office365, then configure 
"" as the endpoint and 
"imap.accessasuser.all" as the scope. Note that Microsoft also sells an online 
office subscription called "Office365" for consumer accounts, so the term 
"Office365" by itself does not tell you whether you have a non-Azure or Azure 
account. If you are able to log in to "" then you have an Azure 

Wouldn't it be much nicer if the documentation could simply be:

  "For Microsoft-based e-mail (Hotmail,, Office365, etc), configure 
"" as the endpoint and 
"imap.accessasuser.all" as the scope."


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