On Thu, Apr 09, 2020 at 08:57:55PM -0400, Aaron Schrab wrote:
I finally got around to trying the new background editing feature. There I think it might be a good idea to change the default value of $background_format to swap the %p and %S; with the current order the status kind of runs together with the subject. Also the width of 5 for the PID seems a bit narrow to me, currently the PIDs I'm seeing on my system are mostly 7 digits long.

Thanks for the feedback.  Both sound like a good idea.

If anyone's looking for a script for using tmux for background editing, I've created the below script to wait for a passed command, allowing me to `set editor="tmuxwait vim"`.


Nice. If you would like to distribute it in Mutt's contrib, let me know. Be sure to add a license and copyright in that case.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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