On Wed, May 06, 2020 at 08:44:29PM +0200, Claus Assmann wrote:
On Wed, May 06, 2020, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
RFC5322 states that headers and the header/body delimiter are supposed to be CRLF, but I (and ticket #235) note that mutt is writing them with just LF.
Thank you for your reply, Claus.

That's for SMTP -- if mutt is talking to an MTA (or MSA) it must
use CRLF (though some MSAs fix bogus input instead of rejecting it).
Okay, so when Mutt is talking to the MTA/MSA through SMTP it's Mutt's 
responsibility to translate it.  Mutt is already doing that in its 
built-in SMTP client so we're fine on that point.
If the mail submission is done via command line, then on Unix
it's usually just LF, and the MSP handles the conversion.
I suspect this is the contention point for opensmtpd.  When invoking 
$sendmail directly the headers and delimeter are all just LF.  Is this 
expectation that the MSP perform conversion documented anywhere?
Kevin J. McCarthy
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