On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 02:31:32PM -0700, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
I'm looking at whether encode_specials should be set for the exact address (ptr->val) value. My suggestion would be to try turning it off as a workaround for now.

The "exact address" is also a mess with respect to IDNA encoding.

Fixing it will require some thought. The whole point was to capture the address "as typed", but we have to parse it to properly apply 2047 and IDNA.

For now, you can try this patch. I'll think about whether to include it in 1.14.0 the next couple days. It would good to get any feedback you have during that time.

diff --git a/rfc2047.c b/rfc2047.c
index 7ed08c50..75f1f07d 100644
--- a/rfc2047.c
+++ b/rfc2047.c
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ void rfc2047_encode_adrlist (ADDRESS *addr, const char *tag)
       _rfc2047_encode_string (&ptr->mailbox, 1, col);
     if (ptr->val)
-      _rfc2047_encode_string (&ptr->val, 1, col);
+      _rfc2047_encode_string (&ptr->val, 0, col);
     ptr = ptr->next;

Kevin J. McCarthy
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