On Tuesday 11 February 2020 18:34:51 CET, Gerry O'Brien wrote:
Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/office/blogs/end-of-support-for-basic-authentication-access-to-exchange-online-apis-for-office-365-customers.

As you've no doubt grasped now, you misunderstood that blog posting totally. IMAP is staying.

But perhaps you want to know the point of the change: Most IMAP clients want to keep the user's password around in persistent storage, so they can reconnect without asking for a password. Which means that any antisocial miscreants who gain access to a user's comptuer also gain access to a very valuable password, which can be used to gain access to the user's Microsoft account at any time the miscreant wishes.

So what Mirosooft is saying is: Effective October 2020, IMAP clients will only be permitted to use an authentication procedure that doesn't require storing high-value passowrds on poorly secured computers.


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