On 2020-05-06 11:44:06 +0200, Christopher Zimmermann wrote:
> Hello dear mutt developers,
> I prepared a merge request that needs some consideration.
> Why? I use mutt on OpenBSD with heavily customized vi-like key bindings and
> colouring. Especially I'm used to line-wise scrolling being bound to \Ce and
> \Cy. \Cy can not be bound using the ncurses backend on OpenBSD because the
> terminal will interpret \Cy as delayed suspend (stty dsusp).
> Because of this problem I used to use the slang backend. But this in turn
> messes up colouring (I don't know why and didn't try to figure it out). To
> improve colouring I just switched back to curses and finally found out about
> `stty dsusp undef`, which does fix the \Cy issue.
> But I was also wondering why vim had no problems binding \Cy. After some
> research I found out about curses' raw and cbreak modes[1]. Mutt uses cbreak
> and therefore the terminal will still catch and interpret \Cc (SIGINT), \034
> (SIGQUIT), \Cy (SIGSTOP on next read), \Cz (SIGSTOP). Those keys can't be
> bound.

On my Mutt pages https://www.vinc17.net/mutt/index.en.html
I mention a little script apptty which I have used with Mutt
in GNU screen for more than 12 years, with in particular:

  stty susp undef
  stty dsusp undef 2> /dev/null

Like susp (^Z by default) and dsusp (^Y when it exists), you
can normally disable whatever you wish. "stty -a" gives the
current mappings.

> Because users should not need to understand terminal intrinsics to that
> depth mutt should maybe rather use the raw mode to interpret those
> characters on its own. The merge request[2] does just that and will switch
> to use raw instead of cbreak mode.
> New functions `suspend` and `interrupt` are implemented.
> `suspend` is used to trigger SIGTSTP and is bound to \Cz by default.
> `interrupt` calls `mutt_query_exit` and is used to mimic the \Cc behaviour.
> The latter function is almost superfluous because there already is `quit`
> and `exit`. It's only really needed to quit from the line editor and might
> have a slightly different behaviour depending on the `quit` quadoption.

That's bad because it doesn't honor the way the user has configured
his terminal. Moreover, I fear that in case of crash, this may leave
the terminal settings in the altered state (zsh offers protection,

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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