Vincent Lefevre wrote in
 |On 2020-04-20 19:57:23 +0200, Gero Treuner wrote:
 |> If we don't want to be deterministic, then I don't see a major advantage
 |> of hash functions compared to random data.
 |In this case you need to make sure that such random data cannot be
 |guessed. This may be difficult without using entropy. Using entropy
 |each time Mutt is started would not be a good idea, in case a system
 |would run Mutt several times a second to send mail (e.g. personalized
 |mail to its users).

Ah, what a total mess that topic is (random stuff that is)!
Regarding this, the MUA i maintain does

   snprintf(rv, i, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%s%c%s",
      tmp->tm_year + 1900, tmp->tm_mon + 1, tmp->tm_mday,
      tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec,
      mx_random_create_cp(rl, &reprocnt), sep, h);

where "rl" is either 5 or 8, dependent on whether we include
a "from" address in the ID or only a hostname.  random_create_cp()
returns a Base64URL encoded random number string.  So far so good.

We have several random possibilities, the fallback is the old
well-known ARC4 digest on home-brewed seed (with time slice
release, gettimeofday / clock_gettime), but we can also seed via
getrandom (sys/libc), /dev/urandom, or entirely leave all the
random stuff up to arc4random or OpenSSL.  Older versions of the
latter were driven to save ~/.rnd, which should improve random
security when used more often, possibly, maybe, i would think.
Newer ones of the latter are now driven to not auto-seed
internally, which could cause random queries to fail (!!), i do
not know what they thought when they changed this.  (I would have
made the failure optional at best.  Funny that Linux now stops
taking care at all.)

Ciao from Germany,

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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