Gerry O'Brien wrote in
 |   Do you have any plans to make mutt compatible with Microsoft's 
 |Exchange Online after they discontinue support for IMAP 

Don't they support XOAUTH2/OAUTHBEARER?
In my opinion, and by the way, that article uses the same brain
washing that steamrolls the truth to rise OAuth on a level where
it does not belong, like i have seen so many times before.
Just my one cent.  Let it be two if they support XOAUTH2/

 |In particular, do you plan to implement MAPI over HTTP?

I wonder whether they won't adapt the new, standardized JMAP
protocol, which will finally cover much more than just "I"MAP, but
also calenders etc.  And if it is for interoperability, and maybe
the possibility to use open source software instead of putting
development power into their own stuff.  I think JMAP is the
future, and i would almost bet: also for Microsoft.

 |       Regards,
 |         Gerry


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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