My problem is solved this error is related to uhd version I changed uhd
4.2.0 to 4.1.0 now my rfnoc block works like charm.
On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 4:58 PM sp wrote:
> When I want to use RFNOC block in USRP I am faced with errors.How can
> solve it? can anyone help? thanks in a
`freq@USER:0' with a new value after it
> was locked!
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/sp/Downloads/", line 211, in
> main()
> File "/home/sp/Downloads/", line 189, in main
> tb.start()
> File "/usr
I want to when i examine rfnoc block or example blocks spp is set to 64 in
the test bench, my question is in FPGA what's the spp default for ordinary
I need spp to be 1 , but when I changed it I faced a strange error and the
simulation has an error
Fatal: ChdrIfaceBfm::set_max_payload_leng
ut_tdata), // I
.m_axis_dout_tlast (signal_out_tlast),
.m_axis_dout_tvalid (sinal_out_tvalid),
.m_axis_dout_tready (signal_out_tready)
On Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 4:32 PM sp wrote:
> When I added this section a CORDIC IPCORE to rfnoc gain block I faced a
> strange error Failure: ERROR:add_1 must be in
When I added this section a CORDIC IPCORE to rfnoc gain block I faced a
strange error Failure: ERROR:add_1 must be in the range [-1,DEPTH-1]
How can solve this error? Anyone can guide me?
wire [15:0] phase_out_tdata;
wire phase_out_tvalid;
wire phase_out_tready;
wire [31:0] sine_out_tdata;
wire s
d why. You can of course remove the timeout, but that
> won't necessarily fix the problem.
> Wade
> On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 12:55 AM sp wrote:
>> I write a custom block when i run test bench on it i faced with strange
>> error,How can solve it i share
rget that the $display
> function is only used for simulation, but not synthesis. Therefore; it is
> best to use it in testbench files.
> Kind Regards,
> Yasir
> sp , 22 Ağu 2023 Sal, 08:48 tarihinde şunu
> yazdı:
>> Thanks very much, simulation test bench sv fil
CASE 4] (t = 7725 ns) BEGIN: Test passing through samples...
Fatal: Timeout: Test "Test passing through samples" time limit exceeded
Time: 17725 ns Iteration: 0 Process:
/PkgTestExec/TestExec::start_timeout/Block260_9/timeout File:
why $diplay function is not work in my custom rfnoc block but it work in
other rfnoc blocks on usrp,
How can solve my problem?
I know that with rfnoc framework $diplay should be work in rfnoc blocks
every thing is same other block only name of block is diff...
thanks in advance
instance [/home/sp/rfnoc-test/rfnoc
ERROR: [VRFC 10-2063] Module not found while processing module
instance [/home/sp/rfnoc-test/rfnoc
How am I adding non-ip core to my custom module. I added a make
file and
ERROR: [VRFC 10-2063] Module not found while processing module
# Top-of-Makefile
in xilinx vivado and ise design suite in gui project when i want to build
project there is a option that we can select number of jobs for builds
how can we set number of job for building rfnoc blocks and image of usrp
for building we use rfnoc image builder but i can not see any number of
Thanks very much a UHD old header file caused this problem i remove them
now it works.
On Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 10:22 AM Marcus Müller
> Dear sp,
> the GNU Radio mailing list couldn't solve it because we asked for line
> numbers and
> verbatim error messages[1], b
[ 51%] Building CXX object
In function ‘PyObject* _wrap_dboard_iface_sleep(PyObject*, PyObject*,
What is the delay change frequency USRP daughterboard when I used PCIe vs
I have a USRP x310, and when I send a change frequency to change the
frequency it takes long .2 ms, this delay is for the ethernet command sent
to the daughterboard I measure it with cpp code, but I had not any PCIe
I simulated an RX RFNOC block as a receiver, it works correctly but I want
to RX RFNOC blocks to be executed on RF B or another daughter board.
how can change it to another daughter board...
Thanks very much.
USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@list
I have developed some RFNOC blocks. I had a question.
in an RFNOC block HOW many user registers can we use? can we use three user
reg in a RFNOC blocks?
Thanks in advance
USRP-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an ema
Hi, My problem is solved. By adding the option -n I force
rfnoc_image_builder to use that image core that I define it.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 6:01 AM sp wrote:
> I used an RFNOC gain example file when I w
I used an RFNOC gain example file when I want to change the input of the
gain block as below...
module rfnoc_block_gain #(
parameter [9:0] THIS_PORTID = 10'd0,
parameter CHDR_W = 64,
parameter [5:0] MTU = 10,
parameter NUM_PORTS = 1
// R
Thanks very much, Marcus. Can explain more? I had not any idea how develop
your way?
On Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 11:29 PM Marcus Müller
> Hi sp,
> That sounds like a bad idea. How are you planning to synchronize access to
> that register?
> Generally, in almost *any* con
> new port on the noc_block
> 4. Now you can manage the (shared) reg variable from inside the noc block.
> Hope this can be of some help.
> Have a good day,
> paolo
> On 7/31/22 17:52, sp wrote:
> > How can I define a global reg variable in Veril
I am developing two RFNOC blocks, a gain block, and a multiplier block...
But I need there to be a reg relation between RFNOC blocks...
for example, a multiply_const is calculated in multiply rfnoc block and it
is used to block gain...
when I add the reg in rfnoc block and I define it as input and
what's the mean device select and instance select in RFNOC blocks?
they are vague for me? can anyone guide me?
[image: Screenshot from 2022-11-03 18-12-37.png]
USRP-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to usrp-
tdata, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready);
reg signed [15:0] data_samples_i_buffer [1024:0];
reg signed [15:0] data_samples_q_buffer [1024:0];
reg [31:0] edgei_tbl_rom[0:1024];
reg [31:0] edgeq_tbl_rom[0:1024];
initial begin
reg [31:0] edgeq_tbl_rom[0:1024];
initial begin
always @(posedge conf
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2022, 7:39 AM sp wrote:
>> Why initialize large array in Verilog is not successfully. When size of
>> array is 255 it work like charm but for other number more than 255 like
>> 1024 and
>> we observe all array is filled with zero? why l
Why initialize large array in Verilog is not successfully. When size of
array is 255 it work like charm but for other number more than 255 like
1024 and
we observe all array is filled with zero? why large array in FPGA can not
initailize correctly
reg signed [15:0] data_i_patter
>> use rfnoc-example, name of the file should be different)
>> If you call this in terminal before uhd_usrp_probe, then you should not
>> see that warning.
>> Yasir
>> sp , 29 Ağu 2022 Pzt, 15:03 tarihinde şunu
>> yazdı:
When I built FPGA for RFNOC block I faced with strange error...I check the
FPGA source and RFNOC CPP source every id is ok but my code doesn't work
Can any help me?
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 9.4.0; Boost_107100;
[INFO] [X300] X300 ini
How can I define a global reg variable in Verilog between RFNOC blocks?
I developed two RFNOC blocks: RFNOC block A, and RFNOC block B
How can define a reg variable that shares between RFNOC blocks in USRP?
Can anyone guide me?
I study about global reg variable in the Verilog module, see below
Ok, thanks for the clarification.
On Sat, Jul 9, 2022 at 9:15 PM Marcus D. Leech
> On 2022-07-09 12:40, sp wrote:
> Marcus D. Leech thanks very much. Your description is very useful for me.
> But I am not a communication engineer, I am a software developer, Can you
> in
Python program to re-scale it. of course in helping a communication
On Sat, Jul 9, 2022 at 8:57 PM Marcus D. Leech
> On 2022-07-09 12:01, sp wrote:
> I assume this already does ceil or floor, so your data needs to be
>> already in the right scale:)
> I assume this already does ceil or floor, so your data needs to be
> already in the right scale:)
But all of my problems are related to scaling...
want to use the converted class in USRP that can solve my scaling problem
and I am sure that my data is converted correctly..
So I want to use on
I know that data in USRP on FPGA is in format big-endian sint16, but in
Gnuradio data is in format complex float 32...
I found these links
The conversion encompasses several elements. The most obvious is that of
the data type: Most FPGAs use integer data types, the most common being
complex 16-bit
Thanks! I will examine your useful description...
On Sun, Jul 3, 2022 at 8:45 PM Marcus D. Leech
> On 2022-07-03 11:29, sp wrote:
> Thanks! So I set scaler to an appropriate value that ceil is not
> effected my data. But in Gnuradio I can not find an easy convert solutio
float to int, you always have to ceil or floor the
> float.
> > > Ceil sounds as good as any. You can easily change that to floor if you
> > > run into problems.
> > > Since clibs le32to* take ints as arguments, I would first convert
> > > float32 to int32 from gnuradi
I recorded a complex signal file, I did it with HackRFONE, For sending on
USRP I want to use the int16 option as input, My question is how can
convert a complex float 32 signal to complex int 16 for USRP?
what's the relation between complex float 32 and complex int 32 in USRP?
I know that in USRP
RFNOC block folder and I was faced with error
not found...
> makefile_srcs:
> "${fpga_lib_dir}/blocks/rfnoc_block_correlate/Makefile.srcs"
On Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 12:53 PM sp h wrote:
> Finally, I mention that, I found there is a bug in UHD or UHD
> when
RFNOC block folder and I was faced with error
not found...
> makefile_srcs:
> "${fpga_lib_dir}/blocks/rfnoc_block_correlate/Makefile.srcs"
On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 10:39 AM sp h wrote:
> Finally, I edited the RFNOC image core when I used the default RFNOC
> image core x30
DAC to the TwinRx.
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Jun 19, 2022, at 9:44 PM, sp h wrote:
> >
> >
> > I have a daughterboard TwinRX in RF B in x300. When I use UHD and set
> the stream channel to 1 .
> > as TwinRX daughterboard is the only receive
When I want to build UHD I faced with below warning.
> IP license key 'ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma_basekr@2015.04' is enabled with a
> Design_Linking license.
Building FPGA process cannot go to compile other IP cores and stays in
ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma IP and repeats...
For UHD v4.1.0.5 I had no p
I examine all of the code again and again but my problem is not solved
any RFNOC developer can not guide me?
thanks in advance
On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 11:21 AM sp h wrote:
> When I added ce clock domain to gain block and synthesized it, in Gnuradio
> it generates
> I at
Thanks for the feedback! I will test them.
On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 1:42 AM Wade Fife wrote:
> Hi sp,
> It is possible to use incremental implementation using the checkpoints
> generated by the build flow, but I've never tried it with USRPs. This is an
> advanced Vivado
When I added ce clock domain to gain block and synthesized it, in Gnuradio
it generates
I attached my source code in below, can anyone guide me? I emphasize that
I read the RFNOC FFT and replay blocks and according to them, I added ce
FFT and replay block work successfully but for t
> rfnoc_image_builder -F /home/sp/Documents/uhd- -I
> /home/sp/Documents/rfnoc-module -p /home/sp/xilinx/Vivado -y
> /home/sp/Documents/rfnoc-module/rfnoc/icores/gain_x300_rfnoc_image_core.yml
My question is there any option that makes RFNOC synthesis faster? like
) exist a folder as name ip..
IP cores that we need should be defined in the UHD driver folder...
Your IP list should be added to this folder and changed makefiles
Before you complete your development may be useful this info that we
Hi, You should not expect that integrate or add Xilinx IP core directly to
RFNOC blocks, Even If you be a master in Verilog...
If you see the UHD source code you will realize that UHD is an RFNOC
framework for USRP ...
For working with the RFNOC UHD framework you should know more details:
:46 PM sp h wrote:
> Yes, I read all UHD 4 Docs and GRCON videos but do these blocks in image
> builder really work? I think they are not stable and have a bug ...
> Does anyone work with them? ... So I manually change the USRP image core.
> But in GUI I had ambiguity... So I ask.
When I want to customize RFNOC blocks, like adding an FFT block in
Gnuradio generate OOO?
When I change the RFNOC image core in USRP from the below link, the FFT
block does not work in Gnuradio, For the Gain block same problem...
when I used uhd_usrp_probe it returns the RFNOC block list and static
connections between them. my question is what's means numbers in them? can
anyone guide me? I know that #X should be the numeric id of the RFNOC
block... I think number two is the number port? wich port is input wich is
videos: Exploring RFNoC 4 with the UHD Python API -
> <> RFNoC 3 workshop video
> -
> <>
> Hope this helps,
when I examine RFNOC block that is in the below path, I am faced with a
wire ce_clk and ce_rst, but in rfnoc-example there is not a ce_clk.
Can anyone guide me ce clocks? why instead using rfnoc_chdr clk,
original blocks uses ce clock?
] Starting Synthesis Command
ERROR: [Synth 8-448] named port connection 'ce_clk' does not exist for
instance 'b_gain0_6' of module 'rfnoc_block_gain'
ERROR: [Synth 8-6156] failed synthesi
Is it possible that I changed center frequency and gain of USRP from the
Verilog code?
I study API CPP Gnuradio and UHD, In CPP we can change the frequency and
gain of USRP easily ...
But for me there is a question can I change the frequency or gain USRP from
Verilog in an RFNOC block?
Thanks in a
I developed an RFNOC block for USRP x300, When I want to test it in
Gnuradio, the block does not work and I am faced with the below errors ...
How can solve my problem? I mention that it has a critical warning in
synthesis ...This warning is below link:
In the body of an RFNOC block code, I had a for in for and calculation but
when I want to synthesize it I was faced with a clock warning in FPGA. When
I comment on this section this error is disappeared...
So when I used a delay with tag # in some cases warning is removed...
[00:04:49] C
he code in your RFNoC
> block and gradually uncomment it until you can narrow down what section of
> code is causing Vivado to fail. Hopefully you can narrow down which
> statement is the cause. When you run the build, monitor the memory usage to
> make sure that's not an issue.
Ok, thanks. My problem is solved.
On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 5:29 AM Wade Fife wrote:
> Hi sp,
> You can include files. It looks like you misspelled "correlate" (the error
> says 'corrleate.vh'). Also, if the file is not in the same folder as
> rfnoc_bloc
Why include a Verilog file not work in the RFNOC block?
In Verilog, we can include another file in the source Verilog file, but
when I did in an RFNOC block I faced errors...
can you any offers?
ERROR: [VRFC 10-3195] cannot open include file 'corrleate.vh'
Finally, my problem is solved...
NOC_ID value in .sv file and noc_shell file should be same.Otherwise, you
will face erros...
On Sun, Apr 17, 2022 at 10:01 AM sp h wrote:
> Hi, when I changed the name of the Gain block to another name, I want to
> run the test bench and simulated it but
/rfnoc_block_correlate_tb/Initial172_431 File:
$stop called at time : 6450 ns : File
ions on how to run testbenches and load the
> simulation in the Vivado GUI.
> My guess is that you have a signal that's not connected correctly, like a
> clock or reset.
> Wade
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 12:42 AM sp h wrote:
>> When I run the gain examp
[TEST CASE 1] (t = 0 ns) BEGIN: Flush block then reset it...
*Fatal: Timeout: Test "Flush block then reset it" time limit exceeded*Time:
10 us Iteration: 0 Process:
/PkgTestExec/TestExec::start_timeout/Block260_9/timeout File:
:01 PM sp h wrote:
> But I need to add samples to a buffer. when 4096 sample is received for
> block, do an operation like correlate and convolution, and so on.
> Can we use RAM in an RFNOC block that enables us to work with specific
> count samples??
> It is possible?
Default CHDR_W is 64 for RFNOC blocks when I want to create a custom RFNOC
block, I know that the RFNOC bus block is AXI4, So for accessing samples I
work with some registers in Verilog code ...
Details I/Q samples are below...
I/real in [63:32], Q/imaginary in [31:0] (sc32).
What's the max legal value for these parameters in RFNOC blocks?
Can I for an RFNOC block set CHDR_W to 1024?
We know for communication between RFNOC blocks in USRP is used AXI4 stream
thanks in advance
parameter CHDR_W = 64,
parameter [5:0] MTU = 10
There is an example gain RFNOC block in an old document from UHD but for
the UHD 4 document this example (gain RFNOC block is removed...)
For the new UHD document, NOC shell and pins are changed...anyone gain
RFNOC block for UHD 4 and new documents?
thanks very much
Old doc:
When I create an RFNOC block with rfnocmodtool, the block has a default
My question is what to do this default code for RFNOC block? It is a gain
block? It is a buffer block?
What is this code? can anyone guide me...
// Copyright 2022 <+YOU OR YOUR COMPANY+>.
// This is free
> >> z = xcorr(x,y);
> >> Lfft = 2^nextpow2(2*L-1);
> >> z2 = circshift(ifft(fft(x,Lfft).*conj(fft(y,Lfft)),Lfft),L-1);
> >> plot(abs(z-z2(1:2*L-1)))
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 2:30 AM sp h wrote:
>> Thanks, I know that I can use FFT but I wa
I am reading RFNOC replay block, end of the Verilog code I faced a debug
code ...
what's mean debug? what does it do?
axi_dma_master #(
) axi_dma_master_i (
// AXI4 Memory Mapped Interface to DRAM
.aclk (mem_clk),
.areset (mem_rst),
// Write contro
Thanks, I know that I can use FFT but I want to implement Xcorrelate like
xcorr Matlab an independent RFNOC blocks
On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 10:56 AM sp h wrote:
> Thanks, I know that I can use FFT but I want to implement Xcorrelate like
> xcorr matlab a indep
How can create an RFNOC correlate block for USRP?
This thread is created to share results on searching how we can correlate
RFNOC blocks...
Anyone that had an idea, I'm glad to hear it...
thanks in advance
USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.e
Finally found the solution you should manually some files in the icores
folder...For example for x300 go to this path
in UHD/FPGA path:uhd-
copy below files in icores folder..
and change name x300_rfnoc_image_core.yml
to gain_x300_rfnoc_image_core.yml...
for other ser
Thanks, But for another model like B210 and is it not there anyway?
On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 5:14 PM Cédric Hannotier
> On 18/02/22 12:51, sp h wrote:
> > On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 10:51 AM sp h wrote:
> > > How to create the RFNOC block gain for other RFNOC image
Does anyone have not any idea? thanks in advance
On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 10:51 AM sp h wrote:
> How to create the RFNOC block gain for other RFNOC image cores...Default
> is for X310, but I want to be x300?
> When I created a new RFNOC module with the below commands, the RFNNOC
> i
How to create the RFNOC block gain for other RFNOC image cores...Default is
for X310, but I want to be x300?
When I created a new RFNOC module with the below commands, the RFNNOC image
core is x310 (my Gnuradio 3.8.1, UHD
$rfnocmodtool newmod transceiver
$cd rfnoc-transceiver
$ rfnocmodto
Finally, I edited the RFNOC image core when I used the default RFNOC image
core x300_rfnoc_image_core.yml, and run below command,
I could successfully open UHD project in GUI vivado. Thanks very much
make X300_HG GUI=1
On Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 12:13 PM sp h wrote:
> I reformed my previous p
the include path was wrong, so your Makefile.srcs wasn't
> added. If you're coping the rfnoc-example, here's how to build it (I've
> attempted to use your file paths in this example):
> cd /home/sp/Documents/rfnoc-tutorial
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake
I copied RFNOC gain example from UHD folder, I installed it successfully in
Gnuradio, But for building FPGA
I was faced with these errors.
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance
ERROR: [Synth 8-439] module 'rfnoc_block_gain' not found
Thank you for the clarification. When I used these commands:
source --vivado-path=/home/sp/xilinx/Vivado
rfnoc_image_builder -F /home/sp/Documents/uhd- -I
/home/sp/Documents/rfnoc-tutorial/include/rfnoc -y
Finally, I used the below command to built bitstream for FPGA...
rfnoc_image_builder -F /home/sp/Documents/uhd- -I
/home/sp/Documents/rfnoc-example/include/rfnoc -y
But I was faced with a strange error...
Yes, I commented on two other clock sections now I built the FPGA
bitstream successfully...
thanks very much
x300_with_fft (another copy).yml
Description: application/yaml
USRP-users mailing list --
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I copied the RFNOC example in a folder. for building, I used these
Building and Installing an OOT Module
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DUHD_FPGA_DIR=/home/sp/Documents/uhd-
Building an FPGA Image with OOT Blocks
when I want to build FPGA I used these commands...
Hi, In RFNOC image core files I saw that BSP connection?
what's them and what's the difference between ordinary connections and BSP
thanks in advance
*BSP connections:*
# BSP Connections
- { srcblk: radio0, srcport: ctrl_port, dstblk: _device_, dstport:
ctrlport_radio0 }
- { sr
> You could also share your x300_with_fft.yml contents so others can check
> if they see anything wrong.
> Wade
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 11:12 AM sp h wrote:
>> No, I built FPGA from Ubuntu 20.04, a physical PC not VM.
>> Ram is enough 12G, In other cases,
build in a VM or on a system with a limited
> amount of RAM?
> Jonathon
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 8:44 AM sp h wrote:
>> Finally, I found that...
>> In Vivado there is a limit for the number of warnings and errors which
>> are displayed by the tool f
On Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 1:29 PM sp h wrote:
> When I want to build a new image configuration for USRP X300 I was faced
When I want to build a new image configuration for USRP X300 I was faced
with [00:12:48] Process terminated. Status: Failure
my new RFNOC core image YAML file, I attached here...
*And when I want to build I used these commands:*
source --vivado-path=/home/sp/xilinx/Vivado
I reformed my previous post, I used this command, so when I want to build
with GUI=1 option I was faced with some errors
make X300_HG GUI=1
but when I want to make without GUI=1 option I have not any eros... how can
solve this problem?
On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 2:40 PM sp h wrote:
> when I w
when I want to build an FPGA source for x300 (In Ubuntu 20.04, Gnuradio
3.8.1, uhd- I used the below command:
source --vivado-path=/home/sp/xilinx/Vivado
make X300_HG
But I have been faced with these errors... can any idea for solving this
[00:00:23] Starting
When I want to add an FFT block in FPGA image X300, I have errors
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'
I read the below link but I was faced with errors.
I shared the file for x300_core.yml below...
how can I fix the errors...
I'm sorry for the typo, I reformed it For building Verilog code (&
generating bitstreams ) for the FPGA x300 series which Vivado license for
a developer is necessary?
Webpack license is enough?
Or do we need a full license?
thanks very much
On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 10:47 AM sp h wrot
For building Verilog code for FPGA x300 series which license Vivado should
I necessary?
Webpack license is enough?
Or do we need a full license?
thanks very much
USRP-users mailing list --
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For USRP x310, I had UBX 160 daughterboard, but lately, however, RX works
correctly But transmit mode is not working correctly.
I had no data signal
UBX 160 transmit but only there is a small carrier?
For HackrfOne we had the same problem, we replace RF amplifier IC, now it
Which are RFNOC blocks used in UHD Sink/Source(UHD driver) in Gnuradio?
I heard that the UHD sink or UHD source in Gnuradio is composed of some
RFNOC blocks.
When I see the RFNOC blocks, the Radio core is the same UHD but does anyone
know which RFNOC blocks list are used in the UHD driver?
thanks, Marcus D. Leech, Anyway I sent thanks email with the subject root
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How I can create a correlate RFNOC block, I need a where that buffer radio
For more information (time-domain) correlate formula please refer to the
below link:
I have a reference signal that should be correlated with the input
signal recei
Hi, for sending my questions, with Gmail I send an email to this
The first email is delivered and everything is ok, but the replay email for
me was not delivered...
can anyone help me? why the second and third messages are not delivered?
thanks in advance
Hi, I am studying RFNOC blocks for USRP, the file that I am reading is in
the below link...
I know Verilog language, so another part I am studying RFNOC blocks Verilog
However knowing Verilog and RFNoC_Specification is not enough, be
I am studying RFNOC specifications.
in the RFNOC software framework, it describes uhd::multi_usrp API. but it
is not clear to me? my question is which is the work of this API? can
anyone explain more about it?
uhd::multi_usrp API An RFNoC
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