Re: GDP NR 1.6 Staff notation ready for public review

2008-10-17 Thread Till
ent? > > > Just came to my mind: what about some modern music which has the habit of not printing pauses, so there are single staves scattered around the page. This is not Beethoven, sure, but it would nicely show how to do something like that. Is there any t

Re: Create PNG Files at a custom size.

2008-11-24 Thread Till
the defined papers are in paper.scm, so you can look there and take it as an example. Greetings Till - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LilyPond-Hilfe auch auf deutsch im LilyPond-Forum . -- View this message in context: http://ww

Re: How to make note spacing disregard lyrics

2008-11-25 Thread Till
or ancient: it is too much built on the assumption that a note takes space according to its duration and not only according to its real extent. Maybe Joe has an answer... Greetings till eyolf wrote: > > What would be the setting to let notes be spaced without regard for the > correspond

Re: Cross-staff fingerings when using \autochange

2007-11-06 Thread till
Hi, am I right guessing that it would be then the Text_engraver to make markups with staff changes possible? Till Valentin Villenave wrote: > > 2007/11/6, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: >> Sounds like the same problem as >>

Re: GDP: keep separate pdf files?

2007-11-14 Thread till
- if it is really too big, we should consider offering some of the parts still seperate (and put the tarball link next to the download link for the single document). Greetings till -- View this message in context: Sent from th

Re: Cross-staff fingerings when using \autochange

2007-11-22 Thread till
Ok, I got now success with this approach: bor the second bug, 506, just add the following lines: \context { \Voice \remove "Text_engraver" } \context { \PianoStaff \consists "Text_engraver" } } and the beaming indeed works. I was surprised to see that the bug was fixed by J

Re: lp with korean/utf8 lambda dvipdfmx

2007-11-24 Thread till
знаю, на что надо посмотреть. \selectlanguage{english} And without: Что-то здесь не то, но я точно еще не знаю, на что надо посмотреть. ぎ \end{document} %end file Greetigns Till kaputnik wrote: > > >> Indeed, the use of `latex' is hard-coded currently. While lambda is

Re: barline thickness

2007-11-25 Thread till
to the black vertical bar in a print from within evince. When printing with kpdf this problem dissappeares. (The bar lines are still a bit thicker than the horizontal lines, but it looks as if this is intended.) Greetings till -- View this message in context:

Re: Forcing more systems per page

2007-11-25 Thread till
I started liking very much the system-count funktion, you just give it the number of systems you want and it fits the music to it (if it is not too tight). Greetings Till Graham Percival-2 wrote: > > Try reading the section called "Fitting music onto fewer pages". I > thin

Re: Space on the left end of each line

2007-11-29 Thread till
also invisible, with a \once \override to make the first clef visible again. Till Don Blaheta wrote: > > Quoth Mats Bengtsson: >> Don Blaheta wrote: >> > I'm setting a bunch of plainchant stuff in more or less modern >> > notation, so it uses modern no

RE: Help on changing staff sizes

2007-12-04 Thread till
Thanks. We'll have to remember to mention it also when work is upon the spacing chapters. till Trevor Daniels wrote: > > > Till Rettig wrote on 03 December 2007 19:41 > >> I would hope somebody could also add the missing >> information to the >> StaffS

Re: Probleme mit Umlauten und Benutzung mit LaTeX

2008-01-14 Thread till
aphics{xyz}... This means lilypond-book calls lilypond to create images that latex will include in the text. Greetings Till PS: Keine Angst davor, auch im deutschen Forum zu posten. -- View this message in context:

Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches

2008-01-14 Thread till
I have never heard of iss or ess in German either, but I didn't find it on the pdf anymore, so I guess this is irrelevant for now. The current formulation seems to be correct. Till Rune Zedeler wrote: > > Citat Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > >> - In Accide

GDP: addition for Rhythms?

2008-01-14 Thread till
as to be done a similar way by removing the Bar_number_engraver from the score and putting it into the staves. Should this be added to the example, or find a mentioning in the section about bar numbers? Or would you like it as a snippet? Greetings Till -- View this message in context:

Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26

2008-01-31 Thread till
don't insert a blank line in between. In the guidelines for Doc writers to Lilypond this is called "vertiacal compression" for what ever reason. To me it just does what I want: that the next paragraph doesn't get indented. For what reason is there the "compression" mentioned

Re: german translation

2008-01-31 Thread till, I can introduce you to all the technical stuff that is involved in the translation. Greetings Till -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at __

Re: german translation

2008-02-01 Thread till
James E. Bailey-2 wrote: > > > The new documentation is almost all translated. > > > > > Hmm, there is no *new* documentation -- it's the old one from before the GDP, just the order of the sections is changed. The headings are tra

Re: Several issues transcribing ancient notation (clefs, noteheads, spacing)

2008-02-12 Thread till
ilypond source code in the parmesan files inside the mf folder of the source code. You will want to read some information on metafont thought, before you start redefining them, there is an online tutorial mftut.pdf and the sources of the metafont book: mfbook.tex They can give you a start. I have the

Re: GDP: adrop a NR 1 doc section!

2008-02-12 Thread till
Hi Graham, I am interested in a try. You can probably tell about my English and if it is even helpful if I mess everything up, but if you think it would help I will start looking at 1.6 Staff notation. Greetings Till Graham Percival-2 wrote: > > GDP website: >

Re: Several issues transcribing ancient notation (clefs, noteheads, spacing)

2008-02-20 Thread till
manually inside the cadenza. I guess lilypond has a minimal extent for a bar which it then starts adding until the line is full -- so if this minimal extent could be set to zero we also could have invisible barlines to make autmatic page breaking possible. Greetings Till Han-Wen Nienhuys-5 wrote

Re: Several issues transcribing ancient notation (clefs, noteheads, spacing)

2008-02-21 Thread till
Mats Bengtsson-4 wrote: > > > > till wrote: >> >> 2. There is a lot of threads here on the list. You can play with all >> sorts >> of spacing but nothing is yet really convincing. The most simple >> workaround >> appears to be to scale

Re: free LilyPond advertising

2008-02-24 Thread till
Is it that it is easier to correct typesetting errors in Finale? Greetings Till -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at ___

Re: GDP: What term do you use?

2008-02-28 Thread till
tion in this way between oktaavi (Octave) and oktaava (Ocatvation ?). I guess the word is taken from the italian/latin origin. Greetings from Rovaniemi Till -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypo

Re: GDP: NR 1.1 comment

2008-02-28 Thread till
se of the fixed spacing issue in 2.10? I would propose either to -insert the instrument_engraver per default in the GrandStaff or -remove the PianoStaff and insert the instrument_engraver in the GrandStaff. Is this possible? Greetings Till -- View this message in context:

Re: Starting a new staff in the same line

2008-03-27 Thread Till
ere a workaround for that? Like stopping the staves, inserting white space, calling possibly staff brackets/braces again and start the staves again? Till wrote: > > Hi all, > a user at asked how to stop a staff group and start a > new one after a short white space with a

Re: lilypond-book and makefiles

2008-04-02 Thread Till
r did you have some automated method? Greetings Till Karl Hammar wrote: > > I tried another way of "using" lilypond-book, which seems to work > better with tex, bibtex, makeindex, ..., -- and makefiles. > > If you are interested, read the README at > >

Re: GDP: Reorganisation of NR 2 - Final call for comments

2008-04-06 Thread Till
triche-layout" which is now also as a snippet in staff. Greetings Till Trevor Daniels wrote: > > Grand Documentation Project > > The latest draft of the proposed section headings for the reorganisation > of > NR 2 is now posted on

Re: Running LilyPond from a memory stick

2008-04-13 Thread Till
:// Here they use indeed regedit to modify the registry -- you just have to redo the changes before finishing the session. Till Valentin Villenave wrote: > > 2008/4/12 Ben Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: &g

Re: White Baroque notation (was: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 65, Issue 34)

2008-04-13 Thread Till
, since the ancient chapter is so special, well, maybe it would be useful to have some very basic stuff still explicitly mentioned... Till Damian leGassick wrote: > > i think you need: > > \override NoteHead #'duration-log = #1 > > d > > On 10 Apr 2008, at 05:4

Re: [ANN] LilyKDE 0.5.0 released

2008-04-13 Thread Till
Should this be on the web? Till Valentin Villenave wrote: > > 2008/4/11 Wilbert Berendsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: >> Hi all, >> >> LilyKDE 0.5.0 has been released[1]. > > Nice -- just in time for the "LilyPond Report"! > > Attached is a fr.p

Re: Place bar line at start of single staff

2008-05-05 Thread Till
Please add a new example, please don't remove the bar line from the existing example because this is used in the docs and even if it shows two different things at a time, I think they both are wanted together, so I would like them to come together. Till Neil Puttock wrote: > &g

Re: problem with installing frescobaldi

2009-02-25 Thread Till
. Thanks. > > -Chris Snyder > Wow, this looks great, I tried also to compile some time ago but was not willing to install all the compiling stuff for kde, since I have gnome. But some kde4 libraries I can afford. Did you include all the correct dependences? I will try it in the ne

Question about inserting a bracket: snippet "Bracketed passages"

2008-06-08 Thread Till Rettig
dy have a quick idea how to improve the snippet to allow multiple bracketed passages? Greetings Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list

New doc website development

2008-10-10 Thread Till Rettig
se I have been told you should make a site for a resolution of 800x600 still readable, I guess you would really need much scrolling with this kind of screen. (this is a bit ot for me since I don't have such a screen, though) This observation I made on today. Th

Re: New doc website development

2008-10-11 Thread Till Rettig
s this have to be there? On this small screen it eats up a relatively big space. Are you using Firefox 2 (or a browser that uses Gecko 1.8)? Because this is a known issue for those browsers. Ok, so that's the reason, indeed under Firefox 3 it doesn't h

Re: What to do when \> and \< produce text

2008-10-30 Thread till Rettig
sed when an extent > > is being indicated. > > I have the same impression (choir music). ok, one more from me :-) till -- Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! Ideal für Modem und ISDN: __

Formatting of lyric syllables

2008-11-06 Thread Till Rettig
... Greetings Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Formatting of lyric syllables

2008-11-06 Thread Till Rettig
Thanks, this is about what I figured out also, but what I need would be "\override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic re \revert Score . LyricText #'font-shape mi" that is: both syllables to one note! And as you can try, it just prints everything verbatim

Re: Formatting of lyric syllables

2008-11-06 Thread Till Rettig
into braces, so I used the version stated down. Trevor Daniels schrieb: Hi Till This gets close to what you want, I think: ... %Skip zu Klammer vier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \markup {\concat { \bold "(4.) " rak }} -- ka -- ut -- ta suu -- rin -- ta kat -- so -- maan. } ... Trevor Than

Web-layout: Examples in the documentation

2008-11-23 Thread Till Rettig
cient music. At least the headword from the ancient section could be here, when the spacing issue is solved. Greetings Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list

question about the documentation

2007-05-12 Thread Till Rettig
don't understand this passage. Why is it suddenly a fifth and not a fourth anymore? Greetings Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: question about the documentation

2007-05-13 Thread Till Rettig
ok, this sounds resonable, I just didn't understand the passage. So to say: within a fifth means that it can be a second, third, and fourth, but not a fifth. Thanks for the explanations. Till Valentin Villenave wrote: 2007/5/12, Till Rettig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi, while tr

problems with afterGrace

2007-05-17 Thread Till Rettig
"2.11.23" \relative c'' { c1 { \set afterGraceFraction = #(cons 2 4) \afterGrace d1 { c16[ d] } c4} } \layout { ragged-right = ##t } Greetings Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://lists.gnu.

Re: problems with afterGrace

2007-05-17 Thread Till Rettig
Well, I would like to, but I don't get this working yet. The line \set afterGraceFraction = #(cons 2 4) is obviously not correct in this form. Graham Percival wrote: I'm always willing to replace examples in the documentation; please send me a better example. Cheers, - Graham T

Re: problems with afterGrace

2007-05-18 Thread Till Rettig
John Mandereau wrote: Le jeudi 17 mai 2007 à 16:42 +0300, Till Rettig a écrit : this is my minimal example: \version "2.11.23" \relative c'' { c1 { Why do you use a brace after c1? It is more confusing than useful. Yes, you are right, i wanted to c

problems with repeats-doc, was: afterGrace

2007-05-19 Thread Till Rettig
volta and go directly to the second, and suddenly I have one beat too much in my music. What kind of convention is this meant to be? Greetings Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list

ancient accidentals won't show

2007-05-19 Thread Till Rettig
ng the definitions from there, e.g. \override Staff.Accidental #'style = #'vaticana or mensural or medicaea or hufnagel doesn't show any effect. I don't even get any warning that some property is not found or anything like that. Greetings Till __

Re: problems with repeats-doc, was: afterGrace

2007-05-19 Thread Till Rettig
partial measure doesn't affect the repeat." But then -- as I wrote this it appeared to me that this is nothing new nor extra, so would it be better to skip the whole example, because it doesn't introduce anything new? Till John Mandereau wrote: Le samedi 19 mai 2007 à 12:18 +0300,

Re: example directories, was: ancient accidentals won't show

2007-05-20 Thread Till Rettig
ly? Greetings Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Subject: Deutsches Lilypond Forum

2007-05-28 Thread Till Rettig
LilyPond-Homepage? What do you think about putting a message into the news on the lilypond home page about this new German user space? Best, Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: rearrangement

2007-09-11 Thread Till Rettig
e be changed, not everything is about "decoration", there are some really important things. Would it be something like "polishing", "finishing" or the like? Sorry for writing so confused, I hope it is still understandable. It's mainly just some thoughts... Gre

Re: tuplets (was: GDP for kids :)

2007-09-26 Thread Till Rettig
emed to be so mathematical to me. Actually it wasn't hard guessing the tuplet meaning, probably being used to it from the Finale manual some years ago... but I hadn't heard of the word Tuplet before. Greetings Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread Till Rettig
ord... Should we find out a new LP name for that thing? I am fine with the English name of the thing, as it is intuitiv (at least to me) and somewhat spread among English speakers. Greetings Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.o

Re: GDP: add "extender line" to the glossary?

2007-09-29 Thread Till Rettig
translations are not too difficult to find (in the other languages...). If some German speaking has ideas on the translation I will see to intergrate them... Greetings Till Graham Percival wrote: Should we add "extender line" to the glossary? Is this a real musical term, or a made-up lil

Problem with \markup

2007-10-29 Thread Till Rettig
Hi, what is happening here? The first bar shows the version that a want, the second then adds some markup text -- and screws the rest totally up! Greetings Till %% %EXAMPLE %% \version "2.11.33" u = { \change Staff = upper \stemDown \slurDown } m = { \change Sta

Re: Better vertical spacing in 2.11 adversely affects lyric spacing

2007-10-31 Thread Till Rettig
ppeared somehow logical to me to use ChoirStaff for that two. But if we have it well enough documentated, we could have a VocalStaff and a ChoirStaff with different spacing. Till /Mats ___ lilypond-user mailing list http:

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 59, Issue 78

2007-10-31 Thread Till Rettig
s (to put dynamics into) and likewise one for choral music (for the lyrics). Greetings Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Help on changing staff sizes

2007-12-01 Thread Till Rettig
d by x-extent. But x-extent is missing. I would really much like to know the numbers that are used for the default so I can increase/decrease them accordingly. Why is the lyout-set-staff-size by the way changing only font size, while global-layout-set-staff-size works correct

Re: Help on changing staff sizes

2007-12-03 Thread Till Rettig
ation. Greetings Till Trevor Daniels schrieb: Hi Till Here's a clue that might help: % Reduce notes and staff fontSize = #-2 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2) This reduces the size of the notes and the distance between the staff lines to ma

Re: Help on changing staff sizes

2007-12-05 Thread Till Rettig
1 sends to an uncomplete documentation. The property staff-space is not explained here. I thought Y-extent might be of help, but it is in turn explained by x-space which again is missing from the list. Who has the knowledge to fix this? Greetings Till Graham Percival schrieb: What are we supposed

Re: Help on changing staff sizes

2007-12-06 Thread Till Rettig
page layout. It would then also be possible to refer to that chapter from the LM. Till Trevor D -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Till Rettig Sent: 05 December 2007 16:49 To: Graham Perciv

Re: Align of Staff.instrumentName

2007-12-31 Thread Till Rettig
Hi, this is what I thought also, but yes, you will probably have to count it for each score again (and also when scaling the notes?). Copied also to user. Greetings Till Stefan Slapeta schrieb: Two first approaches (\context {\Staff ... } ): \override InstrumentName #'self-alig

Re: GDP: addition for Rhythms?

2008-01-17 Thread Till Rettig
Mats Bengtsson schrieb: till wrote: Hi, I just read a bit further in the GDP and saw this example about polymetric music where each note has still the same duration, so the barlines won't be on the same vertical position. Because Lilypond can't count the bars anymore, it won

Re: Several issues transcribing ancient notation (clefs, noteheads, spacing)

2008-02-20 Thread Till Rettig
nd it could be added. If you'd like a real example I can submit one of the transcriptions I'm doing when I finish. That would be great. Will they be on mutopia, by the way? Ben Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-us

GDP: staff section

2008-02-24 Thread Till Rettig
ext into it. So I could even imagine still a new subsection: 1.6.3 Additions to specific staves tempo indication metronome mark instrument name 1.6.4 Adding context to a single part quoting

GDP: NR 1.1 comment

2008-02-24 Thread Till Rettig
is (at least to others than English native speakers) more understandable? So the context would be called PianoStaff in 1.6.1 but I would also mention that there is a GrandStaff context? So far I have understood that they are both equal. Is this true? Greetings Till

Re: GDP: NR 1.1 comment

2008-02-27 Thread Till Rettig
Mats Bengtsson schrieb: Quoting Till Rettig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi, I just noticed that the staff contexts of the examples in are PianoStaff. In 1.6 there is only mentioned GrandStaff. Which one is the preferred one to be used? I would mention both in 1.6, but I think we

Re: staff section

2008-02-27 Thread Till Rettig
Trevor Daniels schrieb: Hi Till Might the tempo indication and metronome marks be better placed in the Rhythm section? If you think so let me know, as I'm working on Rhythms right now. Trevor D Hi, I think we should leave it as it is, after all it is nothing to do with _ry

Re: GDP: What term do you use?

2008-02-29 Thread till Rettig
Original-Nachricht > Datum: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 09:46:42 +0200 > Von: "Risto Vääräniemi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > An: till <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > CC: > Betreff: Re: GDP: What term do you use? > On 28/02/2008, till wrote: &g

Snippet/template how to use lilypond-book with xelatex

2008-03-01 Thread Till Rettig
could be nice in the template section of the LM. I only cannot add it myself to lsr, because it is not a "lilypond" snippet. How are the lilypond-book templates handled, are they added also from lsr? Greetings Till \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ifxetex} \ifxetex %xetex spec

LSR how to move clefs on uneven staff lines?

2008-03-01 Thread Till Rettig
ount = #4 \set Staff.clefGlyph = #"clefs.F" \set Staff.middleCPosition = #6 \set Staff.clefPosition = #2 \set Staff.clefOctavation = #0 %\clef bass \lower } >> } But it doesn't change the position of the notes or the clefs. What is

Re: LSR how to move clefs on uneven staff lines?

2008-03-01 Thread Till Rettig
and 1. so you can't obviously use the \clef command with setting that way? Does it read the defaults from Till Trevor Daniels schrieb: I'm not sure what you mean. It works as expected when I try this in 2.11.34. You ask for a staff of four lines, with middl

Starting a new staff in the same line

2008-03-24 Thread Till Rettig
e also has "incipits" longer than one line so I don't know how they would behave -- I guess this is not possible. There is probably an easy solution, who knows it? Greetings Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu

Re: Starting a new staff in the same line

2008-03-27 Thread Till Rettig
Thanks, I remember this discussion, it also appeared to me that there might be some solution, but I thought maybe there would be another easier way like just letting the following score begin in the same line. I will check out the incipit issue. Greetings Till Mats Bengtsson schrieb: As far as

StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness

2008-03-31 Thread till Rettig
edger-line-thickness = #' ( .1 . .1 ) }{ d d d d } } \score{ \new Staff \with { \override StaffSymbol #' ledger-line-thickness = #' ( 1 . 1 ) }{ d d d d } } What am I missing here? How is this supposed to work? I was on 2.11.34, if it matters. Thanks Till -- Psst! Geheimtip

Re: StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness

2008-04-01 Thread till Rettig
? Till Original-Nachricht > Datum: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 18:32:51 +0200 > Von: Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > An:, "till Rettig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Betreff: Re: StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness >

StaffSymbol: line-positions

2008-04-01 Thread till Rettig
' ( 6 3 0 -3 -6 ) }{ d' e' f' g' c'' } } In my idea the second example should print wider spaces and set the notes somhow off the lines, but it just prints the standard lines 4 2 0 -2 -4. Why is this so? Thanks Till -- Pt! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenge

Re: StaffSymbol: line-positions

2008-04-01 Thread Till Rettig
Oops, yeah, you are right, it works as thought; I just didn't understand the warning. Thanks! Till Mats Bengtsson schrieb: If you check the warning printouts from LilyPond when processing the second example, you will notice that you have misspelled the property name! Otherwise, both o

Re: StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness

2008-04-01 Thread Till Rettig
Oh, that's true, I will write this in the staff section of the Docu. Thanks for all the help! Greetings Till Mats Bengtsson schrieb: The properties of a layout object are only read when the object is created, so for StaffSymbol, for example, this means that you have to do the setting a

Re: StaffSymbol: line-positions

2008-04-01 Thread Till Rettig
ioned on an even number of half staff space positions, so it would'nt be anymore symmetrical. Can you add it to the bug tracker? Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: StaffSymbol: line-positions

2008-04-01 Thread Till Rettig
{ \override StaffSymbol #' line-positions = #' ( 18 12 2 0 -2 -4 ) }{ d d d d } Thanks Till Valentin Villenave schrieb: 2008/4/1, Till Rettig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: About the bug: I thought I would write: this works only with symmetrical staff lines. As I understand eve

Re: Re: GDP: Reorganisation of NR 2 - Final call for comments

2008-04-07 Thread till Rettig
chant 5.4 Musica ficta 5.4.1 Suggested accidentals (new) (2.8.4)    Something like that, please reformulate as you like, I am really bad in creating headings.  Greetings Till   > - Ursprüngliche Nachricht - > Von: Trevor Daniels > Gesendet: 06.04.08 21:59 Uhr > An: Till, l

Re: GDP: Reorganisation of NR 2 - Final call for comments

2008-04-07 Thread Till Rettig
Trevor Daniels schrieb: Till Rettig wrote Hi, this would be my suggestion for the ancient section: 8.5 Transcription of ancient music 5.1 using the same source for the original and the transcription [Here among others the snippets about reducing note length] 5.2 Incipits and Mensurstriche

Re: GDP: Reorganisation of NR 2 - Final call for comments

2008-04-07 Thread Till Rettig
Trevor Daniels schrieb: Thanks Till Would "Ancient and modern from one source" cover it. I can't think of anything shorter. I am fine with that one. Anyone else any better suggestions? Trevor - Original Message ----- From: "Till Rettig" <[EMAIL PRO

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 65, Issue 34

2008-04-08 Thread Till Rettig
Hi Karl Hammar wrote Trevor Daniels wrote Karl Hammar wrote Till: 8.5 Transcription of ancient music Why not call it "Editing" or "Making an edition", but transcription is also fine. I think we'll stick with "Trans

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 65, Issue 34

2008-04-09 Thread Till Rettig
8.3 there will be "White mensural ligatures" and then in 8.6 the "Ligature brackets"? Sounds good to me. Many thanks to you and Karl. Thanks for your work as well! Karl - if you meant something different by "slurs", let me know and

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 65, Issue 34

2008-04-09 Thread Till Rettig
in the NR. Actually Graham has pronounced that we should not have a task-orientated structure, but just tell about the issues not referring to the context they are used to. But maybe it is still ok in this case. Till ___ lilypond-user mailing lis

midi-instrument problem

2006-06-09 Thread Till Rettig
t; \tenor >> >> \midi {\tempo 4=60 } \layout { } } It doesn't happen, when I don't make this predefinition of the voices but insert one after the other into the \score directly via \new Staff -command. But I actually would like to keep this definition as it makes files

Re: midi-instrument problem

2006-06-09 Thread Till Rettig
Thank you, that helped immedeately! Greetings Till Mats Bengtsson schrieb: First of all, I would recommend you to upgrade to the latest stable version, 2.8. There are installation packages available for download at for almost all operating systems. I just tried your example

Bar numbering -- tweaking staves?

2006-07-07 Thread Till Rettig
? Greetings Till Example-file: %%%Lily-file%%% \version "2.8.4" sopran = { \time 4/4 a b a c f g fis e d c g a d2 c e c } alt = { \time 3/4 a4 b a c f g \time 4/4 e2 b d f \time 3/4 a4 b a c g f } \score { \new ChoirStaff = Chor \relative << \context Voice = sopran {\sopran \sopran

Getting involved

2006-12-21 Thread Till Rettig
;Black mensural notation", used until the 15th century in central Europe. I don't have much knowledge about font design at the moment, but would be glad if someone could point out where I could find some basics so I could start some drawing if this feature is welcomed. Gr

Re: Getting involved

2006-12-22 Thread Till Rettig
This sounds like a good start. Does the translation so far only concern the webpage, or is there also some (of course now older) documentation translated? Well I will try to sort out my way on this... Greetings Till Till Rettig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Hi Till, a while

Re: Getting involved

2006-12-24 Thread Till Rettig
really (and in my opinion also *should*) be used in commercial notation work. So for instance I would change forms into passive or then from second singular to second plural. This might reduce the "coolness" of the product, but adds a lot of trust in my opinion. greetings

Re: Getting involved

2006-12-27 Thread Till Rettig
translated some part with utf8-encoding, opened it in my browser, but despite the mention of utf8 in the header the browser used its own default which was at that moment latin1. As I guess this is in most browsers in western Europe the default it would just bring wrong results. Would it then be mor

German translation

2006-12-29 Thread Till Rettig
Ok, so here comes the de.po-file (which is yet not compatible with my translation, since that is called new-de) Till # nl.po -- LilyPond Dutch website language file # Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tineke de munnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. # Jan Nieuwenhu

Some more German cathegory two)

2006-12-29 Thread Till Rettig
as not sure -- would it be clever to leave the original and translate it. And how about statements from Germans -- were they sent in English or are they already translations? Greetings Till Benutzung der automatischen Sprachauswahl Damit die Sprache automatisch ausgewählt wird, muss die St

Re: German translation

2006-12-29 Thread Till Rettig
orial only online in the other language, even though there would be some strange language shift if going to the next chapter? Well, so far Cheers, Till ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: German po-file and contact.ihtml

2006-12-30 Thread Till Rettig
t I added today with this git-add and git commit -- should I make a tarball mirroring the directory-structure, but only containing the new files or how is it best to send them? I'm really sorry that I make things so complicated. Hope I will understand this git sometimes, so I can then rea

Re: German translation Part 2 & 3

2006-12-31 Thread Till Rettig
g auf deutsch - 31. Dezember 2006 Die LilyPond-Webseiten sind jetzt auch auf deutsch übersetzt! Hope this is sufficient. Thank you! Till PS: I got a lot of unresolved messages about all the files I sent in the patches: they got somehow saved with another name and the new version came fro

Re: German translation update

2007-01-01 Thread Till Rettig
Ok, I checked again the wiki pages and made a new version of my local git repository, and finally I got the right commitish and could add changes! Here is the patch! Till From 86c0ec8106a4fb525c95e6c24ff173952f76e823 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Till Rettig <[EMAIL PROTECTED](none)>

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