sporadically following the discussion about the ongoing work on the new
documentation web site. It is improving every day and looks really
really good. Great job!
I have a couple of things I thought you might (re)consider:
first the width of the text div: I know this has been discussed earlier,
but I just want to vote also for a version that makes the lines being
not longer than 80em. I also think the picture boxes which are empty for
most of their space look a bit funny, I guess they would also shrink
automatically with something like that. Don't know if there are examples
extenting over this border, sure it depends on the current screen size.
Maybe lilypond could be also told a "page"width number (if it doesn't yet)
The scrollbars: I think the scrollbar for the contents div should always
be on, don't remember how to achive this, something like setting height
to 101%? So there won't be the switch when some subsections get opened.
On my 1024x768 there is also a scrollbar on the bottom but it is useless
because it is always 100% long. Does this have to be there? On this
small screen it eats up a relatively big space.
Otherwise I have been told you should make a site for a resolution of
800x600 still readable, I guess you would really need much scrolling
with this kind of screen. (this is a bit ot for me since I don't have
such a screen, though)
This observation I made on kainhofer.com today.
Thanks for you big work so far!
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