Ok, I see, I was quite unclear. First about this mentioned passive forms: Direkt imperative as in English sounds in German somehow unpolite, maybe indeed the "active" style that Han-Wen mentioned. Actually it is some kind of passive form ("so you can see what is going on" would be translated "damit man sehen kann, was passiert"). So I mean here this German "man" form speaking about passive. I agree that in some way we have to encourage the peaple to click forward, download and install. But let's see the verson "/de/switch/index.html"
I will type my ideas directly into the text, marked with colon:

File start>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Warum können Computerausdrücke nicht so genausogut aussehen wie traditionell gesetzte (engl engraved) Musik? Mit diesem Gedanken im Kopf haben wir LilyPond vor 9 Jahren gestartet. Wir erstellten es mit dem Ziel robust, flexibel und natürlich bequem benutzbar zu sein. Benutze es auch für deine Musik.
:Auch Sie können ihre Musik damit sehr einfach setzen.

Viel Spass!

Han-Wen Nienhuys & Jan Nieuwenhuizen.

  • Drucke deine Musik mit Lilypond! Finde heraus warum.
  • :Setzen und drucken Sie ihre Noten mit LilyPond. Hier finden Sie die Vorteile des Programmes.
  • Vertraue nicht blind unseren Worten: lies was andere sagen (Englisch).
  • : Vertrauen Sie nicht blind unseren Worten: Lesen Sie auch die Empfehlungen anderer. (shouldn't they also be translated?)
  • Neugierig? Schau die kurze LilyPond-Tour an, oder tauche in den Creshkurs.
  • :Neugierig geworden? Hier geht es zur einer Tour durch LilyPond, oder zu einem Crashkurs für den direkten Anfang.
  • Fragen? Werfe einen Blick auf unsereh&aauml;ufig gestellten Fragen (FAQ).
  • :Fragen? Werfen Sie einen Blick in unseren Katalog häufig gestellter Fragen (FAQ).
  • Downloade es direkt.
  • :Hier geht es direkt zum Download.
File end <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I admit this is quite freely translated, but it is often the problem of a straight translation that it doesn't sound natural because it copies too much the original. Actually I didn't check the original for this example, so it might be that in the end I also would be closer to the original translating directly from English. But this would be about the way I would address the public.
Another question is the encoding: I translated some part with utf8-encoding, opened it in my browser, but despite the mention of utf8 in the header the browser used its own default which was at that moment latin1. As I guess this is in most browsers in western Europe the default it would just bring wrong results. Would it then be more clever to convert them to html or could there be a way to tell the browser to use a specific encoding?


Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

So for instance I would change forms into passive or then from
second singular to second plural.
In most languages, the passive form is bad style, since it is more precise
and has a more 'active' sound.

Till, can you give an example of a familiar and an passive change that
you would like to make, that makes the discussion easier.


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