Hi, what is happening here? The first bar shows the version that a want,
the second then adds some markup text -- and screws the rest totally up!
\version "2.11.33"
u = { \change Staff = upper \stemDown \slurDown }
m = { \change Staff = lower \stemUp \slurUp }
sdown = {\stemUp \slurDown }
sup = {\stemUp \slurUp }
smid = {\stemDown \slurDown }
bass= \relative c {
\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
\set subdivideBeams = ##t
\set Voice.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
\times 2/3 {\stemUp r16 e,[\( b' g' \u b e] a[ g e\) \m \clef violin
ais\( b e] \u fis g b } e8\) \m
\clef bass
\times 2/3 {\stemUp r16 e,,,,_\markup{ \small \italic "m. g."}[\( b' g'
\u b^\markup{ \small \italic "m. d."} e] a[ g e\) \m \clef violin
ais_\markup{ \small \italic "m. g."}\( b e] \u fis^\markup{ \small
\italic "m. d."} g b } e8\) \m }
\score {
\new PianoStaff { << \new Staff = "upper" \new Voice { \clef treble
\time 6/8 s4 s s s s}
\new Staff = "lower" \new Voice {\clef bass \bass }
>> }
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