I was writing about this already some time ago, now I prepared a small file that demonstrates how to use xelatex (and its advanced font selection features) whith lilypond-book. This is only a workaround since it pretends to lilypond-book to use pdflatex instead. But something like this could be nice in the template section of the LM. I only cannot add it myself to lsr, because it is not a "lilypond" snippet.
How are the lilypond-book templates handled, are they added also from lsr?

%xetex specific stuff
\setmainfont[Numbers=OldStyle]{Times New Roman}
%This can be empty if you are not going to use pdftex
%Here you can insert all packages that pdftex also understands

\title{A short document with lilypond and xelatex}

Normal \textbf{font} commands inside the \emph{text} work,
because they \textsf{are supported by \LaTeX{} and XeteX.}
If you want to use specific commands like \verb+\XeTeX+, you
should include them again in a \verb+\ifxetex+ environment.
You can use this to print the \ifxetex \XeTeX{} command \else
XeTeX command \fi which is not known to normal \LaTeX .

In normal text you can easily use lilypond commands, like this:

{a2 b c'8 c' c' c'}

and so on.

The fonts of snippets set with lilypond will have to be set from inside 
of the snippet. For this you should read the AU on how to use lilypond-book.

Auch Umlaute funktionieren ohne die \LaTeX -Befehle, wie auch alle anderen
seltsamen Zeichen: ß ČĒŇ, wenn sie von der Schriftart unterstützt werden.
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