Oh, that's true, I will write this in the staff section of the Docu. Thanks for all the help!


Mats Bengtsson schrieb:
The properties of a layout object are only read when the object is created, so for StaffSymbol, for example, this means that you have to do the setting at the top of the score. However, if you want to change it in the middle of a
score, you can insert
\stopStaff \startStaff
which finishes the previous StaffSymbol object and creates a new one which
reads the new property setting.


till Rettig wrote:
thanks for the quick answer. I tried now to figure out how to apply changes to StaffSymbol properties. It seems they work only as \with \override for a new staff or inside the layout block. That would mean that they cannot be changed on the fly but are preset for every score. Is this correct?


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 18:32:51 +0200
Von: Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: lilypond-user@gnu.org, "till Rettig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: Re: StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness

Am Montag, 31. März 2008 schrieb till Rettig:
could somebody explain me how ledger-line-thickness behaves? The IR
that it should be a pair:

"ledger-line-thickness (pair of numbers)
The thickness of ledger lines. It is the sum of 2 numbers: The first
the factor for line thickness, and the second for staff space. Both
contributions are added. "

But I cannot get the staff space bigger (the second number), instead the
first number influences the thickness of the ledger line a bit, the
quite much, that is it becomes so heavy that the spaces almost

Yes, because they use different units: -) The first one is a multiplier for the default thickness (quite small, ~
staff-space/10 )
-) The second one is an explicit width (in staff spaces, i.e. the default distance between two staff lines or ledger lines)

The final distance is then:
( thickness * line-thickness * #1 ) + #2

Since the default thickness is quite small, of course the first number influences the width only a little bit, while the second (measured in different units!) increases it a lot. Actually, the following two settings produce roughly the same (i.e. ledger
lines so thick that they touch each other:

\override StaffSymbol #'ledger-line-thickness = #'( 10 . 0 )
\override StaffSymbol #'ledger-line-thickness = #'( 0 . 1 )

And, yes, even Han-Wen agrees that this is confusing. See his comment in lily/staff-symbol.cc:
    For raggedright without ragged staves, simply set width to the
    (ok -- lousy UI, since width is in staff spaces)

the second quite much, that is it becomes so heavy that the spaces almost
Please compare the example:
Things work as expected: The default line width is quite small and the
first number is a multiplier for the default line width. The second one gives an
additional width in staff space (i.e. the distance between each of the
five lines of a standard staff).

  \override StaffSymbol #' ledger-line-thickness  = #' ( 1 . .1 )
This uses the default line width + 1/10 of the staff space = 1/5 staff

  \override StaffSymbol #' ledger-line-thickness = #' ( .1 . 1 )
This decreases the line with to 1/10 of its default (1/100 staff space!), but adds a full staff space (=distance between two ledger lines!), so of
course all ledger lines touch each other.

Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien", http://www.jung-wien.at/

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