I started putting a ChoirStaff together with multimetre mesures. Because
the score context calculates the bar numbering, it cannot gather anymore
information on all staves, since they appear to have different measure
numbers. One possibility is to add the bar_number_engraver to the staff
context, but this invokes ugly numbers for every single staff. I still
would prefer bar numbers on the top of the system, thus being valid only
for the upper voice.
So how can i seperate one staff (or voice) to which i can apply then the
bar_number_engraver, not affecting the other staves?
\version "2.8.4"
sopran = { \time 4/4 a b a c f g fis e d c g a d2 c e c }
alt = { \time 3/4 a4 b a c f g \time 4/4 e2 b d f \time 3/4 a4 b a c g f }
\score {
\new ChoirStaff = Chor
\relative <<
\context Voice = sopran {\sopran \sopran}
\context Voice = alt {\alt \alt}
\context { \Score
\remove "Timing_translator"
%\consists "Bar_number_engraver"%doesn't show any effect
\context {\Staff
\consists "Timing_translator"
\consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"
\consists "Bar_number_engraver"
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