Trevor Daniels schrieb:
Hi Till

Might the tempo indication and metronome marks be better placed in the Rhythm 
section?  If you think so let me know, as I'm working on Rhythms right now.

Trevor D
I think we should leave it as it is, after all it is nothing to do with _rythms_ specifically to indicate the tempo. I think it relates more with markup questions so I will see how to link to that section and explain only the relevant stuff directly related to the placement of context elements to a staff (as I would see tempo and instrument name...)

-----Original Message-----
Till Rettig
Sent: 24 February 2008 13:19
To: lilypond-user Mailinglist
Subject: GDP: staff section

Hi GDP-helpers!

I started now finally with the staff section of NR1.
As with the repeat section, I would also suggest some new grouping.
The order of the section is now the following:

# 1.6 Staff notation
    * 1.6.1 Displaying staves
          o System start delimiters
          o Staff symbol
          o Hiding staves
    * 1.6.2 Writing parts
          o Metronome marks
          o Instrument names
          o Quoting other voices
          o Formatting cue notes

I was first wondering why "writing parts" is here at all, but I guess this should not be discussed too broad now, because it had been discuessed when we decided about the GDP chapter order. I was just thinking that "combining parts" and "writing parts" would be together something like a "orchestral" chapter -- even though you use it also in chamber music and the like. So I hope this grouping as it now is is intuitive enough to a new user that he figures out where to look for.

The 1.6.1 section is really unevenly distributed over the three subsubsections, I was thinking of introducing a new subsection: modifying staves which would contain most of 6.1.1 and 6.1.2
So the new section model could be:

1.6 Staff notation
    1.6.1 Displaying/writing/setting staves Initiating a new staff (short basics, also one sentence about \new and \context, here should also go the example about starting stopping additional staves) Grouping staves (about system start delimiters
       (maybe: Deeper nesting of staff groups)
    1.6.2 Modifying staves Staff symbol, (and how to modify the different parameters) Ossia staves Hiding staves
    1.6.3 Writing parts

I have concentrated for now on this part leaving the parts section alone, I want to come back to it only when the first part is in better condition. There are still some general questions for the parts section for which I would like to hear some feedback:

-Why is the metronome mark described here? It applies as well to a whole score (where it would be agreedly on the top stave...), and I think it should go together with a general description on how to write tempo indications (and also with a workaround to align the indication with the key or the meter, not with the first note of the first bar). Where could this section go? It is currently discussed in text marks,, but meant to write rehearsal marks, not tempo indications.

-I think it is actually almost a bug in lilypond that there is no easy way to center the beginning of a tempo indictation on the key symbol, so I think it is important to provide at least an workaround clearly marked as such for this purpose.

-We see the parts section as the sections that explains everything general about single parts -- so in this sense the metronome mark belongs here and also the tempo indication. But to me (and my German ears) the section caption points at preparing parts for each instrument of a bigger score. So I think we should change this section's caption. Ideas?

-To me there is a distinction between the two first subsubsections (metronome marks and instrument names) and the two last (quoting voices and cue notes): the first two I would see more generally apllying to staves for each instrument/voice, the two last are what I understand by the word "part", mainly concerned about the case where one has only one's own part and needs to get some context into it. So I could even imagine still a new subsection:

1.6.3 Additions to specific staves tempo indication metronome mark instrument name
1.6.4 Adding context to a single part quoting cue notes

But this is only a first thought.


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