Trevor Daniels schrieb:
OK, draft 8 will say:
.6 Editorial markings
.1 Annotational accidentals (was Musica ficta accidentals)
.2 Ligature brackets (was Ligatures)
.3 Baroque rhythmic notation (new)
We don't have lilypond examples of this. I have seen this in a Novello
score for Purcells Dido. So I suggest we drop this for the moment.
(Though an ossia section might show what the editor want.)
We actually do have some in the list somewhere, I remember (was it
Nicolas) somthing about using empty note heads for quarter notes or
something like that -- that's what I am referring to.
I would still put the ligature brackets here, as they are an issue of
modern editions and not of ancient notation.
And about slurs and the like: they are not specific to ancient notation,
so they are covered somewhere else in the NR.
Actually Graham has pronounced that we should not have a task-orientated
structure, but just tell about the issues not referring to the context
they are used to. But maybe it is still ok in this case.
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