Thank you for all that fast help, this is really the best list I know!

Dominic Neumann schrieb:
I updated your file a bit and hope that it is what you wanted.

I added "" at the end of the lyrics of stanza 3. This shifts the
fourth verse to the place you wanted.
This gives a programming error "cannot align..." in your file.
In my original with four voices, though, it doesn't show any influence,
the spacing is ok without it.
Additionally I replaced the first underline in the fourth verse by ""
for layout reasons. If you keep the underline, the syllable before is
placed too much to the right (here in 2.11.51).
Yes, I noticed also, for me it doesn't work with a normal space, but a "n-quad" space works. thanks for the hint.
Then I replaced (4.) by the \set stanza command I already mentioned.
I didn't check how to put into braces, so I used the version stated down.

Trevor Daniels schrieb:
Hi Till

This gets close to what you want, I think:

%Skip zu Klammer vier
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\markup {\concat { \bold "(4.) " rak }} -- ka -- ut -- ta suu -- rin -- ta kat -- so -- maan.

Thanks, I use this one now -- I noticed also that when long enough it also pushes the last line under further down so it is like the fourth line. The syllable becomes to long that it makes strange spacing of the first 8th, but I can live with that.

Thanks for you help.


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