Thank you Jan. So I tried now to get the diff with git (this is how I understand the command below. It seems there is quite a lot of addition, especially at the windows installation pages. Is there a way of applying them automatically to the already translated files so they would at least be up to date and then I could start correcting the new parts of English that were added. Second the translation so far is in my opinion too familiar -- I think it should be more polite, as to demonstrate that lilypond is really capable of doing demanding work with good typography and that it might really (and in my opinion also *should*) be used in commercial notation work. So for instance I would change forms into passive or then from second singular to second plural. This might reduce the "coolness" of the product, but adds a lot of trust in my opinion.

greetings Till

Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
 That part needs to be checked using

   make check-translation LANG=de

and updated, as well as proofread.


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