thanks for this, it took me my time to figure out into which context to
put it... Lilypond is not really userfriendly in many things...
But well, there are some issues with that: The horizontal spacing
doesn't get changed, like the space between a thick and a hair barline.
Is there now chance to get everything with one command. We promise
correct spacing and optical fontsizes, but if it is not possible to get
them easily for part of your score only, I think this should be
considered a bug.
I would hope somebody could also add the missing information to the
StaffSymbol documentation.
Trevor Daniels schrieb:
Hi Till
Here's a clue that might help:
% Reduce notes and staff
fontSize = #-2
\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2)
This reduces the size of the notes and the distance between the staff lines to
match the reduced note size.
Change the two -2s to suit your needs, but keep them the same value.
Trevor D
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Till Rettig
Sent: 01 December 2007 16:29
To: lilypond-user Mailinglist
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] Help on changing staff sizes
I need some help about changing the distance of staff lines:
in NR 5.2.1 it says
"The context property fontSize and the layout property staff-space (in StaffSymbol)
can be used to tune the size for individual staves. The sizes of individual staves are
relative to the global size."
"Known issues and warnings: layout-set-staff-size does not change the distance
between the staff lines."
If I click on the link to the StaffSymbol documentation, there is no
staff-space property mentioned, well, it seems to be hidden in this y-extent,
which is then explained by x-extent. But x-extent is missing. I would really
much like to know the numbers that are used for the default so I can
increase/decrease them accordingly.
Why is the lyout-set-staff-size by the way changing only font size, while
global-layout-set-staff-size works correctly?
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