Re: barrests invisible

2009-11-26 Thread Alexander Kobel
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear community, is there a possibility to hide full bar-rests? I see three possible solutions: 1.) \override Voice . MultiMeasureRest #'stencil = ##f (or \override Voice . MultiMeasureRest #'transparent = ##f). (This can be switched on and off. You can even put it into t

Re: Font questions

2009-11-26 Thread Alexander Kobel
Father Gordon Gilbert wrote: Hi all, Perhaps someone can help me here. I'm trying to set the Huron Carol (old hymn written by St Jean de Brebeuf in the 1640s). [...] Also, in the vers in the original Wendat language, the common way to depict one certain sound is with an "8", but Lily won't

Re: text spanning

2009-11-26 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hugh Myers wrote: The following fails twice over; it leaves out the indicated text and ignores \textSpannerDown: Hi. Both \textSpannerDown and the override is applied to the /current/ Voice context (which is the unnamed default Voice quietly instantiated inside the Staff context). Thus, it i

Re: SpanBar and Lyrics [now also new: with Segfault]

2009-11-26 Thread Alexander Kobel
position. (Improbable, since the bar line is - correctly - not drawn, so the event generated should know about it. => Is the span-bar-event one per score or one per staff?) Alexander Kobel wrote: Hi, all, does anybody know of a way to make Lyrics _not_ to respect a SpanBar going through

Re: change Pitch, strange behavior

2009-11-26 Thread Alexander Kobel
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear community, I found out, that the changePitch Macro, developed by Gilles, behaves sometimes a little bit strange, when it is used together with partcombine. What's strange about it? Look at the follo

Re: confusion in text spanning

2009-11-26 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hugh Myers wrote: I think I was keeping track of individual bars that way (with braces that is)--- you are right, newline would work just as well and few characters='s less clutter. Well, bar checks would even work better, since they are actually checked by LilyPond, thus the name... :-) Use "

Re: Font questions

2009-11-26 Thread Alexander Kobel
Father Gordon Gilbert wrote: Thanks so far, Bertalan, But I'm still getting errors. When I put "8" as a syllable on its own, it prints fine, but when I put it in the middle of a syllable with some other letters, it throws a completely irrelevant error. You have to write it as \lyricmode {

Re: Font questions

2009-11-26 Thread Alexander Kobel
Father Gordon Gilbert wrote: Thanks Alexander, But now how about my e-acute in Brebeuf? I'm in UTF-8, and it's not showing up. Hunh. Now, that's strange. Are you really sure about the correct encoding? If in doubt, send the file along; e-acute is no problem at all and should be contained in

Re: change Pitch, strange behavior

2009-11-27 Thread Alexander Kobel
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear Alexander, look at the attached jpg-file. In my opinion the quarter-rests look strange! Ugh. Okay, admitted. But... it's nothing to do with \changePitch. Remove this command, and the result looks the same. Worse, if you add spacer rests in the second voice, no rests w

Re: Crescendo/Decrescendo height

2009-11-27 Thread Alexander Kobel wrote: Greetings, I want to be able to produce hairpins of varying vertical size. Does anyone know a command that enables this? Thanks in advance. Hi, Stephan, try this: \relative c' { f1\p\< f f f\ff \once \override Voice . Hairpin #'height

Re: Bar length loop

2009-11-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
Uri Sala wrote: Hi, How can I loop automatically through a constant series of bar lengths, such as 3/4 2/4 5/4 3/4 2/4 5/4 3/4 2/4 5/4 ...etc ? Making a compound bar of 3+2+5 / 4 doesn't serve me, btw. Hi. The easiest way, if the number of bars per timing is always the same, is probabl

Piano /centered/ dynamics

2009-11-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hi all, is it possible to have the Dynamics (the \p in the example below) in a layout like the "Piano centered dynamics" really centered between the staves (i.e., the staff lines), instead of centered between the skylines of all elements in the staves? I have a score where slurs, bars and at

Re: SpanBar and Lyrics [now also new: with Segfault]

2009-11-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
Alexander Kobel wrote: Neil Puttock wrote: 2009/11/26 Alexander Kobel : since nobody came up with a solution to this one As a temporary workaround, you could try \once \override LyricText #'extra-spacing-width = #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0) though this might not work very well in tigh

Re: change Pitch, strange behavior

2009-11-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
Valentin Villenave wrote: 2009/11/27 Alexander Kobel : But... it's nothing to do with \changePitch. Remove this command, and the result looks the same. I disagree (see below). Hey, but I disagree, too (see below)! *squeak* ;-) The reason why the rests "look strange" is

Re: breaking up joined triplets

2009-11-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hugh Myers wrote: In the following: \version "2.13.7" upper = { \stemDown \times 2/3 { e,8 e' b } \times 2/3 {gis8 e' b } \times 2/3 { b e b } \times 2/3 { e,8 e' b } \times 2/3 {gis8 e' b } \times 2/3 { b e b } } [...] the triplets are connected by a bar--- how do I prevent this? Hi, H

Re: staffname not shown

2009-11-29 Thread Alexander Kobel
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear community, the second staffname in the below snippet is not displayed. I don't unterstand, why: \version "2.12.2" notiert = \relative c'' { \grace c8 b2 c4 r } ausfuehr = \relative c'' { c4(->\> b\!) c4 r4 \bar"||" } \score { << \new Staff { \set Staff.instrumen

Re: [GLISS] Syntax of \parallelMusic

2009-11-29 Thread Alexander Kobel
[With forward to -user, since this may be interesting now for everybody.] Nicolas Sceaux wrote: Le 29 nov. 2009 à 16:15, Alexander Kobel a écrit : I propose using a different separator for \parallelMusic than "|", and allow to include bar checks in there. \parallelMusic as is is

Re: Piano /centered/ dynamics

2009-11-30 Thread Alexander Kobel
Valentin Villenave wrote: On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: is it possible to have the Dynamics (the \p in the example below) in a layout like the "Piano centered dynamics" really centered between the staves (i.e., the staff lines), instead of centered between the skyline

Re: invisible tremolo beams

2009-12-01 Thread Alexander Kobel
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear community, how can I make tremolo-beams invisible? \override Beam #'transparent = ##t. But you won't recognize them as tremolos anymore, so you can just leave out the tremolo, right? Cheers, Alexander ___ lilypond-user

Re: page break failure

2009-12-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hugh Myers wrote: Second point taken. I hope you realize that 2.13 has bug fixes for 2.12--- yes? Without those, there is no project... Yes it has (as well as enhancements), but during developement - as is an unstable release - they are allowed to break other things to a certain degree. (Very

Re: page break failure

2009-12-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hugh Myers wrote: Thanks for the tip on 2.odd versus 2.stable as well. Hadn't realized that a policy of collateral damage was allowed. It isn't allowed, AFAICS, but can you prognose if you do collateral damage every time you write a patch? The testing is not as thorough as for stable releases.

Re: collatoral damage / regressions

2009-12-03 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hugh Myers wrote: [...] As long as I'm exposing my thinking to the world (at least the Lilypond world) another thing that needs to be pointed out to the UC (User Community) is that they have a sure and certain value in their ability to say that they don't understand a particular piece of document

Re: manually set page numbers?

2009-12-03 Thread Alexander Kobel
Peter Kaplan wrote: Is it possible to manually set the page number with which lilypond begins when it engraves its page numbers for a given score? Perhaps a means analogous to that by which one can manually set the bar number with which lilypond begins when it engraves its bar numbers for a give

Re: problem with changePitch,

2009-12-05 Thread Alexander Kobel
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear community, I've got a problem with the changePitch function. I expectedt to get the same rhythms in the first and second staff, but it doesn't work. I don't understand, what could be the reason for this! Hi, Stefan. First of all, remember that changePitch is not one

Re: problem with changePitch,

2009-12-05 Thread Alexander Kobel
Gilles THIBAULT wrote: I have made a little help in pdf format for \changePitch . I have also finished some little features that i absolutly wanted with this function, so the last "" file is also joined. Gilles, this is just great. I barely had a glance at your documentation, ev

Re: parallelMusic and repeat

2009-12-07 Thread Alexander Kobel
ch on language features inside it, the better. I know Alexander Kobel and Nicolas Sceaux are working on \parallelMusic, so I hope they are going to enlight me about the use of \parallelMusic and what can we expect from it in the future. Actually, neither of the two of us is working on it. Nicolas

Re: parallelMusic and repeat

2009-12-07 Thread Alexander Kobel
David Kastrup wrote: -Eluze writes: i think \parallelMusic is just thought for a quick and easy input - without sophisticated structuring of a piece! In my personal opinion, tools of "quick and easy" nature that do not fit well with the rest of Lilypond, partly because a "proper" implementati

Re: parallelMusic and repeat

2009-12-07 Thread Alexander Kobel
Federico Bruni wrote: Even this (just repeat without alternatives) does not work: \parallelMusic #'(VoiceA VoiceB) { \repeat volta 2 { r4 g' c e ~ | c,1 | e4 g, c e ~ | b1 | } } Everything inside the \repeat braces is considered as a single music expression, so I'm not surprised

Re: parallelMusic and repeat

2009-12-08 Thread Alexander Kobel
David Kastrup wrote: Alexander Kobel writes: -Eluze writes: i think \parallelMusic is just thought for a quick and easy input - without sophisticated structuring of a piece! Although it's an example of a functionality that IMHO is to valuable to be hidden inside the LSR without menti

Re: parallelMusic and repeat

2009-12-08 Thread Alexander Kobel
David Kastrup wrote: Alexander Kobel writes: Standardization does not mean "let's call the current inconsistent ad-hoc behavior standard". A standard needs to make sense of its own, not just be a side-effect of a particular implementation. Ah, come on. Of course your reasonin

Re: bug with LSR Item #233 (hairpin with centred dynamics)?

2009-12-15 Thread Alexander Kobel
Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi all, It appears that the snippet does not respect the Staff fontSize (e.g., as set in a \with block). 1. What's the explanation? 2. What's a workaround? Hi, Kieren, I guess the reason is that the markup text is evaluate

Re: bug with LSR Item #233 (hairpin with centred dynamics)?

2009-12-15 Thread Alexander Kobel
Neil Puttock wrote: Alternatively, you could add the font-interface to Hairpin: #(let* ((hairpin-def (assoc 'Hairpin all-grob-descriptions)) (meta-def (assoc 'meta (cdr rest-def))) (interfaces-def (assoc 'interfaces (cdr meta-def (set-cdr! interfaces-def

Re: padding at top of first page

2009-12-18 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hugh Myers wrote: How do I remove it such that each page begins at same top-left corner? --hsm Hi, Hugh, there are a few settings mentioned in the paper layout which might help you, but there's quite a difference between 2.12.x and 2.13.y. Most notably are, of course, top-margin and left-mar

Re: padding at top of first page

2009-12-18 Thread Alexander Kobel
Alexander Kobel wrote: Hugh Myers wrote: How do I remove it such that each page begins at same top-left corner? If you're not afraid of using the command line, if you're on Linux (might work on Windows also, but I have no clue if you can get all the required tools there),

Re: inter staff spacing

2009-12-18 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hugh Myers wrote: Given: \version "2.13.7" [...] How do I control the distance between the staff and the tab staff. [...] I've played around with \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent to no avail Hi, Hugh, AFAICS, the #'minimum-Y-extent does not work anymore for staves in 2.1

Re: function variable question

2009-12-18 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hugh Myers wrote: Given: flashNote = #(define-music-function (parser location note)(ly:music?) #{ $note s2. \pageBreak #} ) I'd like to modify it so that a fixed duration for the note can be within the function rather than in the calling sequence. [...] I've tried various versions of $note4

Re: function variable question

2009-12-18 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hugh Myers wrote: Thanks again Alexander--- thats the third time today you've bailed me out! Hope I can return same someday. You're welcome. If it's not me whom you can help, it's someone else. Just fair - I've been there, too, and there have benn others... :-) Cheers, Alexander

Re: wah-wah-effect

2009-12-27 Thread Alexander Kobel
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear David, thanks for Your help. I found out, that I can get a dashed hairpin with \once \override Hairpin #'style = #'dashed-line What I would like to do is getting a + and an "o" at the beginning and the end of the hairpin. The "o" is easy to get with \override Hai

Re: wah-wah-effect

2009-12-27 Thread Alexander Kobel
Alexander Kobel wrote: Hi, Stefan, you could try to experiment with Hairpin #'stencil. I imagine combining the usual stencil with a "+" markup at the right side should work. Have a look for the ly:stencil-combine-at-edge and ly:text-interface::interpret-markup (other possibil

Re: Centered Poet rolling of the paper 2.12.2 and 2.13.1

2010-01-11 Thread Alexander Kobel
Wilbert Berendsen wrote: Hi, this code: \header { poet = \markup \center-column { \line { poet with Long Name } \small (1800-1900) } composer = \markup \center-column { \line { composer with Long Name } \small (1800-1900) } } { c' } results in falling the poet off the

Re: Page number in footer but tagline on last page?

2010-01-11 Thread Alexander Kobel
Nick Payne wrote: Is it possible, if I've chosen to have page numbers at the foot of the page, to replace the page number with a tagline at the foot of the last page? This just prints page number and not the tagline on the last page: Hi, Nick, try this: %% cf. ly/ #(define (n

Re: need help with odd error - split voice being rejected

2010-01-12 Thread Alexander Kobel
Tom Cloyd wrote: I'm suddenly getting an error I don't understand. [...] The score may be seen here: Here's the error msg: t...@tomc-desktop:~/Music/Music_scores/Lilypond$ lilypond GNU LilyPond 2.12.3 Processing `' Parsing...

Re: need help with odd error - split voice being rejected

2010-01-12 Thread Alexander Kobel
Alexander Kobel wrote: Besides, in the same line and in line 95, the note name before "8" is missing (both times after the opening brace of \repeat percent). Ugh. Bad Pastie, bad. Not escaping < in HTML code, you are! That's why I missed the chords, so sorry for the noise -

Re: (bug?) irregular lyrics distance in 2.13.10

2010-01-13 Thread Alexander Kobel
Wilbert Berendsen wrote: Op woensdag 13 januari 2010 schreef Francisco: Here is a previous thread on the subject. This thread is concerned with markup objects, but my buglet is about the vertical alignment of Lyrics conte

Re: (bug?) irregular lyrics distance in 2.13.10

2010-01-13 Thread Alexander Kobel
David Kastrup wrote: Alexander Kobel writes: However, in terms of space efficiency it's debatable whether extenders should be ignored or not. No, that is not an option. If you have lines without descenders and ascents, like \score { << \new Voice = zap { \relative c'

Re: (bug?) irregular lyrics distance in 2.13.10

2010-01-13 Thread Alexander Kobel
Joe Neeman wrote: Am Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2010 17:02:18 schrieb David Kastrup: That's basically the approach taken by Joe for spacing staves: Place the center lines minimum-spacing apart, except if the skylines would (almost?) overlap (including a padding). In the latter case add space until no

Re: Multi-Measure Rests: Adding to what gets printed?

2010-01-23 Thread Alexander Kobel
rasAK wrote: In my orchestral parts, I would like Multi-Measure Rests to have both: (1) an integer representing the number of measures in the current MMR, centered above (default behavior) (2) a second text indicating which measures are included in the given MMR, in parentheses and centered BELOW

Re: 2.13.11-1: Y-offset for RehearsalMark?

2010-01-24 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote: Hi. With this example: [...] \override Score.RehearsalMark #'Y-offset = #3 [...] 2.12.3 produces "correct" result ("as expected") while 2.13.11 --- really unexpected. Attached, please, have i missed something? Hi, Dmytro, correct me if I'm wrong, but this looks like

Re: Multi-Measure Rests: Adding to what gets printed?

2010-01-26 Thread Alexander Kobel
rasAK wrote: Alexander, The only remaining issue is the positioning of the text that results from your function. It is currently being placed above the number (which is above the MMR). I tried to adjust some of the Y-offset and Y-extent numbers, but could only get the text to move up. I would

Re: Multi-Measure Rests: Adding to what gets printed?

2010-01-26 Thread Alexander Kobel
me - stanford wrote: 2) Also, do you think #'outside-staff-priority = #150 is a reasonable priority setting for the MMR Text? I'm not sure what most objects' settings are for this property. I was just trying to get it to win over the Lyrics setting. Oh, and just a few words about this befor

Re: Multi-Measure Rests: Adding to what gets printed?

2010-01-27 Thread Alexander Kobel
rasAK wrote: I don't have time to look into this, but wanted you to be aware: I went ahead and used the BarNumberStaff rather than the BarNumberVoice. In trying to adjust the Y-Offset of the BarNumberVoice, it moves the lyrics down as well. The BarNumberStaff does not. Ah, I think I see the p

Re: 2.13.11-1: Y-offset for RehearsalMark?

2010-01-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote: So, what is _the proper way_ to drop down marks (MetronomeMark and RehearsalMark)? Not both by the same command, but both by a single command would be great. Just an idea (untested): Have you tried to remove Mark_engraver and Metronome_mark_engraver from the Score con

Re: 2.13.11-1: Y-offset for RehearsalMark?

2010-01-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote: But, anyway, in this example i'm using only one Staff, so this means that *in any case* (regardless one-staff or multi-stave system) i need to remove and re-attach those engravers to get 'outside-staff-padding working for marks --- really? From the viewpoint of vertical

Re: Creating a comparison of several variants of unmettered chant

2010-02-09 Thread Alexander Kobel
Jiri Zurek (Prague) wrote: In musicological literature, it is common to create comparative systems (staffgroups) where each staff holds the reading of one given version of the chant. [...] (Please, see the attachment not prepared in lilypond).

Re: Creating a comparison of several variants of unmettered chant

2010-02-09 Thread Alexander Kobel
Jiri Zurek (Prague) wrote: Alexander Kobel wrote: What's that thingy next to the very last note of this excerpt (the d' on "pro-mlu-VIL")? Is this just a random blast of ink, or some cool typographic detail missed so far? It is a "nota caudata", common

Re: your MultiMeasureRest utility

2010-03-11 Thread Alexander Kobel
me - stanford wrote: Alexender, *Here's some more feedback for you *(whenever you get around to looking at this code again). I've attached all the relevant files: %= I'm not sure if you remember the barcheck issue I was getting? I

Re: horizontal shift of note column not working

2010-04-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
Tom Cloyd wrote: Warmest greetings to all. After months of joyful use of LP, I've finally stumped myself somehow. I'm trying to shift a note to the right, in an inner voice, and getting NO response. Have never had this problem before and cannot seem to figure it out. [...] In the following

Re: horizontal shift of note column not working

2010-04-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote: У пт, 2010-04-02 у 12:14 +0200, Alexander Kobel пише: Tom Cloyd wrote: \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #8.0 b4-0 [...] Hi, Tom, IIRC, this very override only affects notes inside chords. It should affect NoteColumn if in polyphony, iirc. Ugh,

Re: horizontal shift of note column not working

2010-04-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
Phil Holmes wrote: I've cut Tom's code down quite a bit to try to understand the issue, since I've been trying to do something similar. I hope this is easier to follow. It's clear that the reason that the rest collides with the note is that the rest has been shifted right to avoid colliding

Re: Why are the chords printed below the staff in this example?

2010-05-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-05-02 19:15, Romel Anthony S. Bismonte wrote: Hi All, When I render the following music on Lilypond, I get the staff on top, the chords below the staff, and the lyrics below the chords. [...] Hi, Romel, both ChordNames and Lyrics denote contexts which "live" outside a Staff. A staff

Re: BUG? (+ workaround) \change Staff produces wrong stem lengths (2.13.22)

2010-05-31 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-05-31 15:31, Neil Puttock wrote: On 31 May 2010 14:12, Alexander Kobel wrote: A workaround is to create a temporary new Voice context, but I think this is actually a bug. Opinions? I think this is the same problem as issue #487:

Re: spacing/breaking issue [time-sensitive]

2010-05-31 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-05-31 17:41, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Graham, For the record, I just added \pageBreaks where I want them... and Lilypond outputted 25 pages: it added 20 blank pages and scattered them amongst the 5 with actual music. Hi, Kieren, I assume you already defined page-count = #5? There

Re: spacing/breaking issue [time-sensitive]

2010-05-31 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-05-31 19:14, Alexander Kobel wrote: On 2010-05-31 17:41, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Graham, For the record, I just added \pageBreaks where I want them... and Lilypond outputted 25 pages: it added 20 blank pages and scattered them amongst the 5 with actual music. Hi, Kieren, I assume

Re: Alternative polymetric representation

2010-06-14 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-06-15 02:24, Arle Lommel wrote: So the question is where can I find the documentation for \overrideBeamSettings? Hi, Arle, look at . You can find it via > Documentation (at the top) > LilyPond 2.13 (second in

(2.13.x) Alignment of topmost and bottommost staff of page

2010-06-15 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hi, all, is it possible to tell LilyPond to use the same vertical positions for all topmost and bottommost staff lines of different pages? Rephrased, can I say "I know what I'm doing, ignore all vertical extents below the last staff lines of a page for vertical stretching, even if it collide

Re: (2.13.x) Alignment of topmost and bottommost staff of page

2010-06-16 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-06-16 13:16, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Alexander, is it possible to tell LilyPond to use the same vertical positions for all topmost and bottommost staff lines of different pages? Rephrased, can I say "I know what I'm doing, ignore all vertical extents below the last staff lines of

Re: (2.13.x) Alignment of topmost and bottommost staff of page

2010-06-16 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-06-16 14:12, Alexander Kobel wrote: [...] finding the correct \vspace value in the footer far easier. (For some reason, the latter is not quite what I'd expect, e.g. for padding = -100 I need \vspace #31.5 to get a nice result for a two-line footer?!) Ugh, I just recognized that

Re: (2.13.x) Alignment of topmost and bottommost staff of page

2010-06-18 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-06-16 16:33, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Alexander, Ugh, I just recognized that this actually is not arbitrary. \vspace creates a vertical space of argument /amount/ _multiplied by 3_. Which does not make sense to me - why * 3? - but okay, then I see why the value is about a third, +-

Re: invisible rest that takes no horizontal space

2010-06-18 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-06-18 12:23, Peter Van Kranenburg wrote: The example has been encoded as (starting at second system): [...] d4. e8 fis4 e d2 s2 \bar ":|:" fis2 g [...] So, my question is how to prevent the s2 from occupying horizontal space. You might try d2*2 instead of d2 s2. Which looks not quite

Re: rehearsal letter & other indication

2010-07-07 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-07-07 15:08, Victor Eijkhout wrote: I have a rehearsal letter (\mark\default) and at the same place I want to have a tempo indication ("slightly faster"). How can I combine them? I'd rather not put that text on a note, since it has to occur in every part of a score. Victor. Hi, Victor,

Re: Possible bug in lyrics mode

2010-07-13 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-07-13 16:48, Arle Lommel wrote: Line height for lyrics (at least in 2.13.24) is determined by the postscript bounding box for the characters in the line (or at least that's what it seems), *not* the em-square, which is the basic unit for almost all typographic measurements. This means th

Re: OT: Discussion with developer on documentation

2010-07-16 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-07-16 18:13, Arle Lommel wrote: Apologies for a question not directly related to Lilypond, but is there anyone who works with the documentation for Lilypond on this list with whom I could interact privately? [...] On a side note: I'd be happy to read about this topic on the mailing lis

Re: Lilypond for FL Studio ...

2010-07-21 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-07-18 14:53, Valentin Villenave wrote: On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 8:25 AM, Jean-Marie Cannie wrote: We are the developers of FL Studio (formerly known as Fruityloops) and we are looking to print music sheets direct from our software. Greetings, whilst I'm certain we all appreciate this

Re: Help with sheet music format

2010-08-17 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-08-17 03:24, Brett McCoy wrote: On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Stephen Nesbitt wrote: [...] fretboard diagrams. [...] A rough example (less the slashes can be found here: You are looking for something like this: http:

Re: countPercentRepeats: print number "1"?

2010-08-17 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-08-17 22:20, Xavier Scheuer wrote: Hi! [...] Is it possible to tweak "countPercentRepeats" in order to print the number "1" above the first normal (i.e. with the notes instead of the percent symbol) measure of a "percent repeated" measure? I'm not looking for a *dirty* workaround, such a

Re: countPercentRepeats: print number "1"?

2010-08-17 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-08-17 22:50, Neil Puttock wrote: On 17 August 2010 21:20, Xavier Scheuer wrote: Is it possible to tweak "countPercentRepeats" in order to print the number "1" above the first normal (i.e. with the notes instead of the percent symbol) measure of a "percent repeated" measure? No. In t

Re: Repeat barlines

2010-08-31 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-08-31 22:35, Michael Dykes wrote: I am trying to set up a ``normal'' repeat that repeats only twice in one of my Orthodox chant settings. Attached is the file. All I am getting, however, is a set of double bar lines. Any help would be appreciated. Hi, Michael, you have to use \

Re: Replies to the list

2010-09-01 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-01 11:20, Graham Percival wrote: Let me save you all some time. The overall configuration for lilypond-user is not going to change. There are different options for your personal subscription to lilypond-user, which may (or may not) solve (some of) your complaints. If anybody wants t

Re: A more compact output

2010-09-01 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-01 16:37, Stemby wrote: Only one thing: Christopher Meredith> writes: To your \paper block, add the following: between-system-space = 1.5\cm between-system-padding = #1 what does the second line means? "#1", in particular. Hi, Carlo, between-system-padding spec

Re: letter vs. a4 (and leger lines)

2010-09-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-02 12:32, David Raleigh Arnold wrote: On Thu, 02 Sep 2010 13:47:39 +1000, Nick Payne wrote: On 02/09/10 12:51, David Raleigh Arnold wrote: Ledger and leger are different words, with different meanings and different derivations from different languages. The confusion of leger with led

Re: Add prefix to lyrics

2010-09-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
[cross-posted from -user to bug-, see footnote] On 2010-09-02 13:51, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Wouldn't this be easier? [...] << \relative { g'2 f } \addlyrics { \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #0.75 "Pro - phe" -- tan } Well, yes, but it doesn't really give the expected output

Re: Add prefix to lyrics

2010-09-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-02 15:09, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Robert, As I sad, the problem is, that the usual dash (-) symbol is not really looking like the hyphen. My question was, how to archieve it to display a hyphen which looks very similar to the one generated by lilypond. (Which seems to be rather a

Re: Add prefix to lyrics

2010-09-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-02 16:46, David Kastrup wrote: "Dmytro O. Redchuk" writes: On Thu 02 Sep 2010, 15:25 Alexander Kobel wrote: Seriously: I still think it's not The Right Thing (tm) that LyricHyphens don't use the dash glyph of the LyricText font, for the sake of easy reproduc

Re: Add prefix to lyrics

2010-09-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-02 18:03, David Kastrup wrote: You could easily overlap multiple dash glyphs in order to arrive at arbitrary lengths. This won't work for fonts with uncommonly designed dashes, say one slightly slanted to the top, like a / with less height. So what? Perhaps scale horizontally?

Re: Where does "\override Score.BarNumber ..." go

2010-09-03 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-03 00:54, James Wilkinson wrote: Jay Anderson wrote: If you want it to apply globally here's probably what you're wanting to do: \version "2.13.31" \layout { \context { \Score \override BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t) } } \score { << \new Staff { \r

Re: Add prefix to lyrics

2010-09-03 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-03 10:09, David Kastrup wrote: "Dmytro O. Redchuk" writes: On Fri 03 Sep 2010, 09:14 Werner LEMBERG wrote: @ David: What I'm not quite sure about yet: Do you - in general - think the font glyph should or should not be used? I think that the font should provide the minimally accepta

Re: Add prefix to lyrics

2010-09-03 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-03 10:50, Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote: On Fri 03 Sep 2010, 10:09 David Kastrup wrote: Obviously (to me), different character slots are required for the extensible hyphens in lyrics, and a text hyphen. A long lyric hyphen, for example, can't have the thickness of a normal text hyphen, or

Re: Add prefix to lyrics

2010-09-04 Thread Alexander Kobel
[repost to -user; I guess the attachments were too large. What's the maximum message size for the mailing list?] On 2010-09-03 10:47, Werner LEMBERG wrote: will font's hyphen be acceptable for lyrics as a _minimally_ acceptable. I think the answer is yes. However, this is my feeling and not

Re: List-email Suggestion

2010-09-05 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-05 19:55, Marc Schonbrun wrote: On Sep 5, 2010, at 10:52 AM, PMA wrote: Hi List. Would it be feasible to prepend "[Lilypond]" to the forum's email Subject line? Much of my other mail arrives this way -- like that from "[Csnd]" and "[LAU]". Does wonders for auto-filing. Why not just

Re: When was vspace introduced?

2010-09-06 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-06 15:45, Christopher Meredith wrote: I have been using latest stable (2.12.3) because that's what comes with Ubuntu. Everything's fine, except it doesn't appear to recognize vspace (I get compile errors). I installed 2.13.31 which does recognize vspace, but now I am having problems wi

Re: Meterless typesetting help

2010-09-06 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-06 15:50, Xavier Scheuer wrote: On 6 September 2010 15:29, Richie Gress wrote: I am trying to engrave music that has no meter; this is what I need help doing: I need to specify where I want the barlines to go. Use \cadenzaOn and explicit bar lines with \bar "|" . You'll prob

Re: Lilypond on IMSLP

2010-09-06 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-06 16:04, craigbakalian wrote:,_Craig%29 On page 47 of the score, for some reason, the bass staff stretches down to the depths of the page. [...] So, does anyone know why page 47 of my score is beyond max-stretch? Hi, C

Re: Before I clobber my LilyPond V-2.10...

2010-09-06 Thread Alexander Kobel
stable versions. If you switch now, you have more chances to keep your input files mostly unchanged with the upcoming releases. Alexander Kobel wrote: On 2010-09-06 15:50, Xavier Scheuer wrote: On 6 September 2010 15:29, Richie Gress wrote: Ugh, don't hijack threads! Make a new

Re: FullCadenzaRest?

2010-09-08 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-08 19:44, Xavier Scheuer wrote: On 8 September 2010 18:51, Alexander Kobel wrote: Hi, all, is there a proper way to have a "FullCadenzaRest" during a cadenza? [...] It'd be really nice to have an equivalent to "R" for a full cadenza (or part thereof bet

Re: Help with this lilypond error

2010-09-17 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-17 10:17, Phil Holmes wrote: - Original Message - From: "peterwinson1" JMarc, thank you for the suggestion. Here is the result: [...] There is still a problem. The second bar which is the refrain, I want to move to the bottom of everything. [...] Peter, I'm struggling to

Re: question about bar lines

2010-09-19 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-19 15:38, Alex Jones wrote: I am having a problem with bar lines, if I put the following around a staff break \bar "||" \break \bar "|:" I get the repeat sign on the start of the staff, but not the double bar on the end of the previous staff. [...] Anyone have any ideas what I'm do

Re: printing bar numbers on every odd measure

2010-09-22 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-22 11:47, -Eluze wrote: On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 01:31:00PM -0700, -Eluze wrote: there is also this (quite hidden& undocumented, but working!): \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(modulo-bar-number-visible 2 1

Re: printing bar numbers on every odd measure

2010-09-22 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-22 12:06, Alexander Kobel wrote: On 2010-09-22 11:47, -Eluze wrote: On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 01:31:00PM -0700, -Eluze wrote: there is also this (quite hidden& undocumented, but working!): \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invis

Re: printing bar numbers on every odd measure

2010-09-22 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-22 12:45, -Eluze wrote: indeed - much nicer! so you can put nearly everything in the layout block and keep the music part "clean" except for the \bar "" in the beginning - and to suppress the first bar number, just omit the \bar "" ! [...] Ah, clever - shame on me, I didn't know ri

Re: small space remains when lyric hyphen is removed

2010-09-23 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-23 15:07, Wilbert Berendsen wrote: Hi, when lyric syllabes are close to each other, LilyPond can remove the hyphen, which is nice. But unfortunately, there sometimes remains a small space, which can be confusing because the syllabes then look like two words instead of one. While we

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