[cross-posted from -user to bug-, see footnote]

On 2010-09-02 13:51, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Wouldn't this be easier? [...]
   \relative { g'2 f }
   \addlyrics { \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #0.75 "Pro - phe" -- 
tan }
Well, yes, but it doesn't really give the expected output, since the 
LyricHyphen does not use the glyph of the LyricText font, but instead a 
custom line markup.
I never managed to understand this rationale in the first place, and 
there even is a note in the sources to change this behaviour. [1]
But for what is implemented now, I don't see how to do this without 
excessive ugly Scheme-hacking, like Neil proposed.  Once I also tried to 
exchange the LyricHyphen stencil to mimic LyricText, but to no avail - 
AFAICS, the alignment of the hyphens is more or less hard-coded in the 
C++ part.
@ Robert:
In summary, I don't think there is an easier way. I might be wrong, though.


lily/lyric-hyphen.cc: (line 555-556)
  "TODO: should extract hyphen dimensions or hyphen glyph from the font."

I could not find it in the bug tracker, though, thus my cross-post to the bug- list.
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