On 2010-09-02 15:09, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Robert,

As I sad, the problem is, that the usual dash (-) symbol is not really
looking like the hyphen. My question was, how to archieve it to display
a hyphen which looks very similar to the one generated by lilypond.
(Which seems to be rather a line than a character).
   \addlyrics { \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #0.6 \markup { 
"Pro" \raise #0.47 \override #'(thickness . 1.3) \draw-line #'(0.55 . 0) phe } 
-- tan }

Arrgh! Don't you see that the lines are rounded with different corner sizes? Looks terrible at 6400% zoom, as bad as on my homemade A-1 borderless color-proofed metal-foil wallpaper prints! ;-)

Seriously: I still think it's not The Right Thing (tm) that LyricHyphens don't use the dash glyph of the LyricText font, for the sake of easy reproduction of nice results. (Read: You can't just use "Pro - phe". And there's a reason why fonts have a dash glyph and it's not simulated by the nice word processor of your choice.)

But this is absolutely close enough. Clever idea to look up the Hyphen definition...


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