Phil Holmes wrote:
I've cut Tom's code down quite a bit to try to understand the issue,
since I've been trying to do something similar. I hope this is easier
to follow.
It's clear that the reason that the rest collides with the note is that
the rest has been shifted right to avoid colliding with earlier notes.
So what's then needed is a command to shift the note right. When I
looked, I couldn't find one, so any guidance would be appreciated by me,
Okay, so since I'm at it: to give the note some anchor, add an invisible
note in some other voice as follows:
\once \override Voice.Rest #'extra-offset = #'(2.5 . 0) a2\rest
{ \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #8.0 b4-0 } \\
{ \hideNotes g4 \unHideNotes }
>> |
(That should replace the whole measure in Tom's original example.) The
g note kind of "allocates" some position for the whole chord or beat,
w.r.t. which the force-hshift works.
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