On 2010-09-02 16:46, David Kastrup wrote:
"Dmytro O. Redchuk"<brownian....@gmail.com>  writes:

On Thu 02 Sep 2010, 15:25 Alexander Kobel wrote:
Seriously: I still think it's not The Right Thing (tm) that
LyricHyphens don't use the dash glyph of the LyricText font, for the
sake of easy reproduction of nice results.  [...]
LyricHyphen may vary in length, i like this a lot. It's a nice thing.

Dash glyph will be the same length all the way.

You have a point here. I personally don't like this feature too much: if syllables are too close, I'd rather not have a hyphen there at all. But I acknowledge your reasoning. Perhaps we could offer two choices: the "font dash" as well as the current one. Unfurtunately I don't see an easy way to offer a \hyphen-like markup command, which looks up the corresponding thickness, raising etc. values to simulate the current hyphen; on the other hand, what we have now needs manual tweaking for fonts with unusual x-heights or so.

You could easily overlap multiple dash glyphs in order to arrive at
arbitrary lengths.

This won't work for fonts with uncommonly designed dashes, say one slightly slanted to the top, like a / with less height. Perhaps scale horizontally?


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