Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear community,
is there a possibility to hide full bar-rests?
I see three possible solutions:
1.) \override Voice . MultiMeasureRest #'stencil = ##f (or \override
Voice . MultiMeasureRest #'transparent = ##f). (This can be switched on
and off. You can even put it into the default context definition, so you
only have to write it once, or you define a command for it.)
2.) \with { \remove Multi_measure_rest_engraver } for the corresponding
(or all) Voice contexts. (Which is a global solution, at least per voice
- but it should be more efficient, if it matters...)
Since, AFAIK, there is no collision checking between MultiMeasureRests
and elements in other voices - and, thus, using the #'transparent = ##f
should not break anything, compared to removing the engraver - I'd
probably almost always prefer either option 1 or option 3:
3.) Use "s" instead of "R".
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