Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear David,
thanks for Your help.
I found out, that I can get a dashed hairpin with \once \override Hairpin #'style = #'dashed-line What I would like to do is getting a + and an "o" at the beginning and the end of the hairpin.
The "o" is easy to get with

  \override Hairpin #'circled-tip = ##t

But how I can do it with the "+"-sign?

Hi, Stefan,

you could try to experiment with Hairpin #'stencil. I imagine combining the usual stencil with a "+" markup at the right side should work. Have a look for the ly:stencil-combine-at-edge and ly:text-interface::interpret-markup (other possibilities exist, of course; you can draw a "+" or a circle outside of a text block, but this looks quite easy) functions. You'll find examples for both functions here on the list, or in the LSR.


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