Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear community,
I found out, that the changePitch Macro, developed by Gilles,
behaves sometimes a little bit strange, when it is used together with
What's strange about it? Look at the following, and compare the two
outputs. You'll see that \partcombine does exactly what it's supposed to
do, as well as \changePitch.
Which is, by the way, that the \changePitch does nothing at all, since
you specified the same rhythm throughout both "oben" and "unten". Note
that \changePitch does not consider the pitches of \oben at all; it only
replaces them! (Maybe it'd be better to understand if it's name were
\include "changePitch.ily"
oben = { e''' 4. g''' gis''' 4 g'''4. r r 4 }
unten = {\changePitch \oben { g''4. bes'' c'''4 es'''4. } }
\new Staff { R1 \partcombine \oben \unten }
\score {
\new Staff { R1 \oben }
\new Staff { R1 \unten }
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