Father Gordon Gilbert wrote:
Thanks so far, Bertalan,

But I'm still getting errors. When I put "8" as a syllable on its own, it prints fine, but when I put it in the middle of a syllable with some other letters, it throws a completely irrelevant error.

You have to write it as
  \lyricmode { "first8second" "some8word" }
instead of
  \lyricmode { first"8"second someuword }

As soon as a quote is recognized, the parser assumes a new word starting right there, and gets confused if there is no whitespace around it. I don't see why this yields the output you cited, but this may be just due to a missing somewhere. But I'm pretty sure that's where the error lies.

But, really - if the editor you're working with writes the files as UTF-8 (which you should assure anyway), you'll be better off using the correct non-digit symbols. Ȣ or ȣ, i.e. (U+0222 or U+0223) - they cannot possibly confuse the parser. And they are contained in the CenturySchoolbook symbol range, so you should not have to expect any problems as long as you use the default font.


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