Hugh Myers wrote:
The following fails twice over; it leaves out the indicated text and
ignores \textSpannerDown:


Both \textSpannerDown and the override is applied to the /current/ Voice context (which is the unnamed default Voice quietly instantiated inside the Staff context). Thus, it is not regarded by the Voice = "1" context created afterwards.

Moving the two commands into the Voice = "1" construct works as expected:

\version "2.13.7"

upper = {
  c4 d e  \startTextSpan f % polyphonic
  g4 a b c % monophonic, see below
  b4 \stopTextSpan g e c % polyphonic again

lower = {
  c,2 g2 % polyphonic
  s1 % a spacer "disables" this voice tamporarily
  g2 c2 % and here we are again.

customOverrides = {
  \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = "let ring "

  \new Staff \relative c'' {
      \new Voice = "1" { \customOverrides \voiceOne \upper }
      \new Voice = "2" { \voiceTwo \lower }
  \new TabStaff \relative c' {
      \new TabVoice = "t1" { \voiceOne \upper }
      \new TabVoice = "t2" { \voiceTwo \lower }

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