Dear all (especially Valentin, i.e.),

since nobody came up with a solution to this one, could you please add this to the bug tracker?

I'm attaching a more clean version of the input file, and suggest the following text. Note that the second example in the file produces a segfault for me, with 2.12.2 and 2.13.7; is this related by any chance? If so, perhaps it should go into the same bug report, otherwise it should be split. At least, someone could test on her system if it's just my fault.


SpanBars affect Lyric spacing even if allow-span-bar = #f

In the following snippet, the position of the second "long-syllable" should not be influenced by the span-bar-event since there is no span bar line between the two bottom-most staves. The spacing is correct if the Span_bar_engraver is removed from the Score context.

Unfortunately, I don't know where exactly the problem is - I see the following possible reasons: - Even with allow-span-bar, a transparent bar line gets drawn through the whole system and affects positioning of other elements. - The Lyrics positioning does only check for the existence of a span-bar-event on this very position, not whether it's in the same range. - The span-bar-event is not aware between which staves to draw a bar line, and thus the Lyrics can't possibly guess whether they should consider ignore this particular bar line position. (Improbable, since the bar line is - correctly - not drawn, so the event generated should know about it. => Is the span-bar-event one per score or one per staff?)

Alexander Kobel wrote:
Hi, all,

does anybody know of a way to make Lyrics _not_ to respect a SpanBar going through the whole score?

I want to keep the Span_bar_engraver for some bar lines, but I have longer syllables in the lyrics which disturb the spacing at other barlines. Thus I want them to ignore those barlines and rather use \whiteout or something there.
\version "2.13.7"

\score {
    \new Staff { \repeat unfold 24 { c''8 } \bar "|." }
    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        \override Staff.BarLine #'allow-span-bar = ##f
        \override Staff.SpanBar #'allow-span-bar = ##f %% seems to do nothing at all
        \new Voice = "upper" \repeat unfold 6 { c''2 }
        \revert Staff.BarLine #'allow-span-bar
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "upper" \lyricmode {
        %% long-syllables position should not be affected by the forbidden SpanBar
        long-syllable a b c long-syllable d
      \new Staff \repeat unfold 6 { c''2 }
  \layout {
    \context {
      \consists Span_bar_engraver

%% Commenting this score in yields a Segfault with both 2.12.2 and 2.13.7-8.
\score {
    \new StaffGroup \with {
      \consists Span_bar_engraver
    } {
        \new Staff { \repeat unfold 24 { c''8 } \bar "|." }
        \new Staff \repeat unfold 24 { c''8 }
    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        \new Voice = "upper" \repeat unfold 6 { c''2 }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "upper" \lyricmode {
        %% long-syllables position should not be affected by the SpanBar in the above StaffGroup
        long-syllable a b c long-syllable d
      \new Staff \repeat unfold 6 { c''2 }
  \layout {}

<<inline: spanbar.preview.png>>

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