On 2010-09-03 00:54, James Wilkinson wrote:
  Jay Anderson wrote:
 If you want it to apply globally here's probably what you're wanting
to do:

 \version "2.13.31"

 \override BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)

 \new Staff
 \repeat unfold 40 { c'1 }
 \new Staff
 \repeat unfold 40 { c'1 }

Looking at this has a) fixed my problem and b) made me notice that we
have both \score and \Score. Time for some more RTFM.

AFAIU, \score { ... } acts like a shortcut for \new Score { ... }. Thus,
\new Score \with { \override BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t) } { \new Staff \repeat unfold 40 c'1 }
will work as well.

But this makes me wonder: I vaguely remember a distinction of \score and \new Score, which I can't find in the docs. Actually, I'm not sure the \new Score construct is even mentioned in the docs. Is this intentional? Is it unnecessarily complicated? Are there drawbacks of using it?


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