Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote:

With this example: [...]
  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'Y-offset = #3
[...] 2.12.3 produces "correct" result ("as expected") while 2.13.11 ---
really unexpected. Attached, please, have i missed something?

Hi, Dmytro,

correct me if I'm wrong, but this looks like the A is actually higher than the other two, and has it's baseline exactly 1 staff-space unit above the top staff-line. So I guess the Y-offset is calculated w.r.t. the center staff line in 2.13 (Joe: is this a bug?), and you probably have to increase the values by 2. For what you actually wanted, I recommend you use 'outside-staff-padding, though.


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