On 2010-09-17 10:17, Phil Holmes wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "peterwinson1" <peter.win...@att.net>
JMarc, thank you for the suggestion. Here is the result:  [...]
There is still a problem. The second bar which is the refrain, I want to
move to the bottom of everything. [...]


I'm struggling to understand what you mean.   [...]

Hi, Peter,

I do, too, but there's another idea:

\score {
  {                       %% <-
    \new Staff {
      \key ... \time ...
      \new Voice { ... }
      \addlyrics { ... }
    \new Staff {
  }                       %% <-

Note that a score can only contain a single music expression, otherwise the syntax is wrong by definition. You can achieve this by putting braces around all the music which should be shown sequentially. The double angle brackets, however, denote parallel music, with all sections starting at the same point in time, which seems not to be what you want.

If you want to get that to the end on a line on its
own, why don't you just use a single staff and place the refrain music
at the end? You can start it on a new line with \break.

+1. The most easiest way usually is using this approach and, additionally, variables (look in the Learning Manual for details, especially the section "Final touches > Organizing pieces with variables"):

stanzaMusic = { ... } %% only notes
stanzaLyrics = \lyricmode { ... }
refMusic = { ... }
refLyrics = \lyricmode { ... }

\score {
  { %% might be needed or not
    \new Staff {
      \key ... \time ...
      \new Voice { \stanzaMusic \break \refMusic }
      \addlyrics { \stanzaLyrics \refLyrics }

or something similar.


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