Dear EXPGUI-GSAS users,
I have a problem when I try to generate a cif-file with gsas2cif: It will just print the general positions of the space group on the screen, but will not finish writing the cif-file. (the last entries are the atomic coordinates of the first phase and the number of elements in the unit cell). A process is still running, at about 98% of CPU (I'm running windows XP). Has anyone an idea, what I can do? Any help is appreciated! Best regards, Michael Dr. Michael Wörle Laboratorium für Anorganische Chemie ETH Zürich HCI H103 Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10 CH-8093 Zürich Tel.: +41 44 632 5684 FAX: +41 44 632 1149 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]