Dear all,

The ILL is organising the 2nd Annual School on Advanced Neutron Diffraction
Treatment using the FullProf Suite. The registration will be open the next 
October 10th and we would like to invite you to submit candidatures and to
the maximum diffusion in your institutes.

Those interested can find more information in the ILL web site:

Many thanks in advance for helping diffusing this information.

Best regards,

Gabriel Cuello
on behalf of the Organising Committee

Gabriel J. Cuello
Diffraction Group
Institut Laue-Langevin
6, Rue Jules Horowitz, B.P.156
38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Tel: +33 (0)
Fax: +33 (0)

FullProf School-2009, 26-30 January, 2009

Chair: Juan Rodríguez-Carvajal
Co-chairs: Marie-Hélène Lemée-Cailleau, Gabriel Cuello

Scientific scope
Precise crystallography has significantly contributed to the success and
recent developments in materials science, solid state physics and chemistry.
Among the available programs for diffraction data analysis, the FULLPROF
SUITE is one of the most widely used packages by the scientific community
working in these fields. 
By creating a regular school on the FULLPROF SUITE, our aim is to contribute
directly to the training of the upcoming generation of scientists. These
intensive, hands-on, schools are focus on the analysis of diffraction data
with the FULLPROF SUITE and concern heterogeneous data coming from powders,
single crystals, X-rays and time-of-flight neutron diffraction.
FPSchool-2009 will focus on the analysis of magnetic diffraction data:
symmetry analysis, magnetic structure determination by simulated annealing,
refinement of magnetic data as a function of temperature and refinement of
single crystal data. It will take place at the Institut Laue-Langevin and
will be open to no more than 25 participants.

The school will last 5 days: three days dedicated to general applications
plus two days dedicated to a specialised topic that will change each year.
In 2009 the school will be mainly devoted to magnetic diffraction.

Theoretical introductory lectures (max. 1 hour/lecture) will be followed by
hands-on practical computing sessions. The afternoon will be mostly
dedicated to practical sessions.

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