Dear all,

I would like to hear opinions on the best method for the most accurate
determination of unit cell parameters from powder data. The
literature shows several techniques are used in general, e.g., Least squares
refinement of peak positions with (or without) an internal
standard, Rietveld refinement (no internal standard), etc. Is perhaps the
best procedure to first determine the unit cell parameter with an internal
standard (and for example, least squares refinement), and then fix this
during Rietveld refinement? Any thoughts are appreciated.

Also, any suggestions of personal favorites for software (preferably
free) for least squares unit cell refinement (i.e., other than
Rietveld) from peak positions would be welcome.

Thanks and best wishes,

Matt  Beekman

Matt Beekman
Department of Physics
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Ave., PHY 114
Tampa, FL 33620
Phone: (813) 974-8236
Fax: (813) 974-5813
Visit the Novel Materials Laboratory Website:<>

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