Dear All,

Just a short note highlighting a couple of recent vacancies in CSIRO for Post 
Doctoral Fellows.

1. A brief description of the first position (to be managed by me) follows:-
" The CSIRO Light Metals Flagship is inviting eligible candidates to apply for 
a 3 year Postdoctoral Fellowship in the field of In-situ Diffraction Studies 
into Inert Anodes. We are looking for a PhD graduate, preferably with a 
physical chemistry or related background, to join the Materials 
Characterisation group. The position will be applicable to researchers with an 
interest in materials characterisation using advanced radiation sources 
including synchrotron X-rays and neutron scattering. The position will be based 
in our Clayton, Victoria laboratories approximately 25km from the city of 
Full details can be found at

2. The advertisement for the second position (to be managed by my colleague 
Nicola Scarlett) states:-
" CSIRO Minerals is inviting suitable candidates to apply for a three-year 
Postdoctoral Fellowship in the study of nucleation and crystal growth with 
particular application to determination of mechanisms of jarosite formation. We 
are looking for a PhD graduate, preferably with a physical chemistry or related 
background. The experimentation will consist primarily of time-resolved, 
in-situ, X-ray and neutron diffraction and small angle scattering. The position 
will be based in our Clayton, Victoria laboratories approximately 25km from the 
city of Melbourne."
Full details can be found at

Please feel free to disseminate this information to any potential candidates in 
your sphere of influence.


     Ian Madsen
     Team Leader - Diffraction Science
     CSIRO Minerals
     Box 312
     Clayton South 3169
     Phone +61 3 9545 8785 direct
                 +61 3 9545 8500 switch
                 +61 (0) 417 554 935 mobile
     FAX    +61 3 9562 8919

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