I am relearning GSAS right now. I was pretty good at it in graduate school
(DOS-GSAS). I have PC-GSAS running and everything works -- but I am having
trouble getting use to the program being in the windows environment.
I know this is a stupid request: can I still get the dos version? Or is it
possible to run PC-GSAS in dos? In other words can I make the entire program
entirely command line? My fingers are twitching to go faster and my mouse is
getting in the way.
I feel like my dad when he asked me to upgrade his work laptop from windows
95 to windows 3.x. :-)
Kind regards to all!
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Blaise Mibeck
Research Scientist
Energy & Environmental Research Center
University of North Dakota
15 North 23rd Street, Stop 9018
Grand Forks, ND 58202-9018
Phone: (701) 777-5077