Dear Ms. Deepti,
The Wyckoff positions are listed in the "International Tables of 
Crystallography: Volume A". If you do not have the copy of this book, the 
following website provides the details of multiplicity, Wyckoff positions, site 
symmetry and coordinates. You can provide the number of the space group or 
choose from the list.
With best regards,


N. Lakshminarasimhan, Ph.D., 
Postdoctoral Research Associate, 

Environmental Photoenergy Applications Laboratory, 
School of Environmental Science and Engineering (SEE), 
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), 
Pohang, 790-784,

Tel: +82-54-279-8340 (Off)
       +82-54-279-8326/8393 (Lab)
       +82-54-279-0842 (Res)

--- On Wed, 7/2/08, deepti kothari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: deepti kothari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Wyckoff position
Date: Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 9:38 AM

Dear All,
Wishes to everyone.
I am new in field of rietveld and recently join this group.
I don't know how to find Wyckoff position when one know multiplicity and space 
Can you help me?
 ThanksDeepti Kothari 

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