Dear All

I am pleased to announce a new release of the Bond Valence Calculations and Listing program VaList. (Available from

VaList is a tool for analyzing the local ionic bonding in crystal structures. Running under Windows it performs Bond Valence calculations using the bond length information generated by GSAS (Disang), FullProf (*.out), the ICSD (*.cgi) and in CIF form. These calculations can be used to verify or determine the valence state of metal ions, check that a crystal structure makes chemical sense, and highlight problems with the local bonding that need to be examined. Notable features include the ability to refine the occupancies and oxidation states of mixed sites.

This version is basically a complete rewrite of the core code and an upgrade of the interface. To download, and for further information, please follow the web site link up above.


Dr. Andrew S. Wills

Reader in Physical Materials Chemistry/ Royal Society URF
Dept. of Chemistry,
Christopher Ingold Laboratories,
University College London,
20 Gordon Street,

Tel:    +44 (0) 20 7679 4537
Fax:    +44 (0) 20 7679 7463

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