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Messages by Thread
KR> RE: control stick
Joe Beyer
KR> Control stick
KR> Re: wood airplanes and water
J Milland
KR> Tornado
Mark Jones
KR> Fuel gauge Sender
Charlie Morehead
KR> Fuel gauge Sender
Brian Kraut
KR> Fuel gauge Sender
D Lively
KR> Fuel gauge Sender
Dan Heath
KR> Fuel gauge Sender
Mark Langford
KR> Tornado
william Clapp
KR> tornado
Mark Moody
KR> Tornado
Lee Van Dyke
KR> Tornado
Lee Van Dyke
KR> Tornado
Lee Van Dyke
KR> Head room
Dan Heath
KR> Head room
KR> Head room
Dan Heath
KR> Head room
Mark Jones
KR> Head room
kenneth l wiltrout
KR> Seeking Original KR Plans Owner
D Lively
KR> Serpentine airport visit
Mark Langford
KR> Fuel Sending Unit
Charlie Morehead
KR> Canopy fix
Lee Van Dyke
KR> floats for a Kr-2
Harold Woods
KR> floats for a Kr-2
Darren Crompton
KR> floats for a Kr-2
KR> floats for a Kr-2
D Lively
KR> floats for a Kr-2
Darren Crompton
KR> floats for a Kr-2
D Lively
KR> floats for a Kr-2
Peter Johnson
KR> floats for a Kr-2 - PS
Peter Johnson
KR> floats for a Kr-2
Randy Smith
KR> floats for a Kr-2
Darren Crompton
KR> floats for a Kr-2
Dave Arbogast, CISSP
KR> Engine rebuild update.
Mark Jones
KR> Canopy Latch
Steve Bray
KR> Canopy Latch
Dan Heath
KR> Canopy Latch
Steve Bray
KR> Canopy Latch
Steve Bray
KR> control sticks
KR> control sticks
Dan Heath
KR> Control sticks
KR> Control sticks
Barry Kruyssen
KR> Control sticks
Mark Langford
KR> Control sticks
KR> Lancair canopy
Mark Langford
KR> Floats
bobby burington
KR> Floats
william Clapp
KR> Floats
Barry Kruyssen
KR> floats
Oscar Zuniga
KR> Re:Up Date
KR> this skype is a good idea
phil brookman
KR> some flying
Joseph H Horton
KR> some flying
Fred Johnson
KR> Re:Up Date
Phil Matheson
KR> Re: Fuel per hose power
Phil Matheson
KR> Seat attachment failure
KR> Seat attachment failure
Phil Matheson
KR> Seat attachment failure
David Lininger
KR> Seat attachment failure
Dan Heath
KR> Seat attachment failure
KR> Rand Robinson KR2 project for sale.
KR> Rand Robinson KR2 project for sale.
Darren Crompton
KR> Rand Robinson KR2 project for sale.
Jim Sellars
KR> Rand Robinson KR2 project for sale.
KR> PLywood kit from Wicks
thomas brady
KR> PLywood kit from Wicks
Mark Jones
KR> Intercooler
Jaco Swanepoel
KR> Wing Tanks
Robin Macdonald
KR> Wing Tanks
Robin Macdonald
KR> Wing tanks
Robin Macdonald
KR> Wing Tanks
Randy Powell
KR> Wing Tanks
Dan Heath
KR> Wing Tanks
Dan Heath
KR> Wing Tanks
R. Human
KR> Wing Tanks
Dan Heath
KR> Wing Tanks
Larry&Sallie Flesner
KR> wing tanks
Craig Williams
KR> wing tanks
Larry&Sallie Flesner
KR> wing tanks
Robert Boyd
KR> Wing tanks
KR> Prospective KR-2S Builder
Andrew Lieser
KR> Re: Engine Rebuild
Mark Jones
KR> Re: Engine Rebuild
phil brookman
KR> Re: Engine Rebuild
KR> Aircraft antenna
KR> found another kr 2
phil brookman
KR> found another kr 2
Ray Fuenzalida
KR> soon to be for sale 1835VW
Lee Van Dyke
KR> soon to be for sale 1835VW
bobby burington
KR> soon to be for sale 1835VW
phil brookman
KR> soon to be for sale 1835VW
KR> Canopy coating
Lee Van Dyke
KR> Canopy coating
Dan Heath
KR> Canopy coating
Willie van der Walt
KR> Canopy coating
Lee Van Dyke
KR> Canopy coating
KR> Canopy coating
D Lively
KR> Canopy coating
Lee Van Dyke
KR> Canopy coating
D Lively
KR> Canopy coating
Joseph H. Horton
KR> Engine rebuild.
Mark Jones
KR> Engine rebuild.
kenneth l wiltrout
KR> Test Carb On Top with Cowl On
Dan Heath
KR> Starter to fit Diehl case?
Bill Hucker
KR> Starter to fit Diehl case?
James Babcock
KR> Starter to fit Diehl case?
Dan Heath
Pete Klapp
KR> RE: Jandakot airport meeting
Robin Wills
KR> RE: Jandakot airport meeting
Phil Matheson
KR> pic of plane crash
Lee Van Dyke
KR> pic of plane crash
Dave Arbogast, CISSP
KR> pic of plane crash
Charles Buddy & Cheryl Midkiff
KR> pic of plane crash
dr jay
KR> plane for sale
Lee Van Dyke
KR> plane for sale
dr jay
KR> pic of plane crash
william walsh
KR> Jandakot airport meeting
Mark Langford
KR> Re: CorvAircraft> Jandakot airport meeting
Mark Langford
KR> A P.S. to landing a backwards plane
Lee Van Dyke
KR> A P.S. to landing a backwards plane
phil brookman
KR> Selling wheels n stuff
Nick Brennan
KR> Selling wheels n stuff
Jim Sellars
KR> Selling wheels n stuff
Nick Brennan
KR> Selling wheels n stuff
Louis Staalberg
KR> Re: Glue Joints not holding
Brad Payne
KR> Re: Glue joints not holding
Mark Jones
KR> Re: Glue Joints not holding
Brad Payne
KR> Re: Glue Joints not holding
Darren Crompton
KR> Re: Aborted Takeoff Follow Up.
Mark Jones
KR> Re: Aborted Takeoff Follow Up.
Benjamin Smith
KR> Re: Aborted Takeoff Follow Up.
Mark Wegmet
KR> First Engine Start
Phil Matheson
KR> First Engine Start
Willie van der Walt
KR> Hello
Mark Jones
KR> Hello
Eric Pitts
KR> Hello
kenneth l wiltrout
KR> Engine start without prop
Phil Matheson
KR> Hello
greg fisher
KR> Hello
Larry&Sallie Flesner
KR> Hello
KR> Hello
KR> Hello
james ellison
KR> Fw: Aborted Takeoff Update
Mark Jones
KR> Jeff Letemp
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Brad Payne
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Phil Matheson
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Mark Jones
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Nick Brennan
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Mark Jones
KR> Glue Joints not holding - T88
Dan Heath
KR> Glue Joints not holding - T88
Nieto, Daniel A (Dany)
KR> Glue Joints not holding - T88
Keith and Martha Crawford
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Myron (Dan) Freeman
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Brian Kraut
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Darren Crompton
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Dave Arbogast, CISSP
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Darren Crompton
KR> Glue Joints not holding
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Darren Crompton
KR> Glue Joints not holding
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Myron (Dan) Freeman
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Brad Payne
KR> Glue Joints not holding
bobby burington
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Allen Wiesner
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Noel Bong
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Brian Kraut
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Myron (Dan) Freeman
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Darren Crompton
KR> Glue Joints not holding
bobby burington
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Ameet Savant
KR> Glue Joints not holding
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Orma Robbins
KR> Glue Joints not holding
KR> Glue joints not holding
Cláudio Holanda
KR> Glue Joints not holding
Charlie Morehead
KR> Glue Joints not holding
KR> Aborted Takeoff Update
Mark Jones
Pete Klapp
KR> Fw: Latest KR-2 for X-Plane up-date
Myron (Dan) Freeman
KR> Latest KR-2 for X-Plane up-date
Myron (Dan) Freeman
KR> Home from Sun n Fun
william Clapp
KR> Bob Muse's plane
Dan Heath
KR> RE: Removing Matco Bearings / Project Update
Robin Wills
KR> Removing Matco Bearings
Robin Wills
KR> Removing Matco Bearings
Brian Kraut
KR> Removing Matco Bearings
Mark Wegmet
KR> Removing Matco Bearings
KR> Fw: Aborted takeoff.
Mark Jones
KR> Fw: Aborted takeoff.
Mark Wegmet
KR> Re: Aborted takeoff.
Mark Jones
KR> Re: Aborted takeoff.
KR> Fw: Aborted takeoff.
KR> posting
KR> posting
Dan Heath
KR> wing airfoil shape
bobby burington
KR> wing airfoil shape
Darren Crompton
KR> wing airfoil shape
Larry&Sallie Flesner
KR> wing airfoil shape
Mark Langford
KR> wing airfoil shape
bobby burington
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