Thanks to Dene Collet I got my radio working with the antenna that I made from a peice of coax. Works great. If anyone is interested I will forward the material that Dene sent me. Other news: I have been having trouble geting my 0200 to run smoothly. First # 2 cylinder was missing badly with low compressions. I removed the cylinder and found a sticking exhaust valve. It had gum so sticky on the valve stem and valve guide that the springs would not close the valve quickly enough when running but would close when just turning thru by hand. That made the problem hard to diagnose. I cleaned the valve and guide and reinstalled the cylinder and it ran well. Then #2 cylinder started missing when idleing but ran some at higher rpms. I removed that clyinder last night but the valves are ok. Before disasembly I tried some different sparkplugs. No help. I noticed when I removed the plugs they would be very white and clean with no carbon on them even thou they had carbon on them when installed. I also inspected the inside of the exhaust stacks and only the stack for this cly was white. This tells me that this clyinder was running very lean. Why? I have only one carburator and the other cyl are running plenty rich. Vacum leak? Could't find one. Anyone have an Idea. I have also been beating my head against the wall with the generator. Generator? Yeah 1965 technoligy. I removed the generator for cleaning and inspection and found it some what oily inside but when i hooked the wires up to the battery on the bench the gererator ran like an electric motor. I cleaned the oil off the brushes and comutator and reinstalled. No help. Put on new regulator. No Help. I Removed it again (big job. First unbolt engine from firewall, remove left mag. unscrew 3 nuts 1/12 turn at a time). I found that it had a sheared woodruff key between the cuppler and the rotor. I installed new woodruff key, installed new bearing and seals to stop oil leakage, cleaned up like new. I bench tested it pulling it with an electric motor and it would throw the belt off the instant I connected the battery (didn't have a real pully on the generator). Gotta work right? Wrong still doesn't work. I removed the regulator connections and tested the voltage from the armature. 1.8 volts damn! I think that means that the woodruff key is sheared again. Since I installed the light weight sturba prop the engine starts with a jerk rather than smoothly with the heavier metal prop. I'm wondering if that snappy start might be shearing the Key. If any one has some input let me know. N211JR