Greg Fisher wrote: > What do you know about a Glasair or Lancair canopy being used in a KR2S? > Has this ever been done? Both of those planes are gull-wings aren't they? > If so, was the rest of the canopy door made custom for the KR or were the > Glasair canopy doors used as well? I assume you are only speaking of the > plexiglass.<
I saw a Lancair conopy on Allen Buzza's KR2 this weekend, and it looks just like a KR2S or a Dragonfly canopy...all in one piece. He bought it from a guy who'd dropped it and broke the corner off, so he chamfered both sides to match and you'd never notice. See the photo at , and you'll see what I mean. Also see , where you'll notice that the Lancair canopy completely cures the "visibility problem" of the stock KR2 bubble. At first glance it appears as though the canopy is too wide and bends in towards the bottom, but that's the angle cut on the back that makes it look that way. I think Allen's is a stock width KR, but if not, it's not widened by much. Maybe Wade can correct me if I'm wrong. I don't know that I have seen a Glasair canopy on a KR, but it sure looks just like the rest. I suspect there are different canopy styles (gullwing, full, etc) on the Glasair, just like on the KR. I think there's been a lot of inbreeding with canopies, and why not? If it fits, stick it on there. I know the Dragonflly is so floppy it will fit a wide variance in fuselages, with probably an 8" range from narrowest to widest. Mark Langford, Harvest, Alabama email: N56ML "at" see homebuilt airplane N56ML at website: