Dear Phil,

What size Strobergs are you using.  175s pr 150s?

What is your thinking re using two?

A 175 seems supply an 1800cc MGB adeqately and one 150 a 1500 MG Midget.

Also, what kind of intake manifold are you using? 

Was there an OEM for two?



-----Original Message-----
>From: Phil Matheson <>
>Sent: May 4, 2007 5:07 PM
>To: KRnet <>
>Subject: KR> Re:Up Date
>Well I can not believe how quiet the net is.
>I have been modifying my cowl to suit my engine air in takes, as my RG 2000 
>has a gear drive, the engine sits lower in the cowl and the cowl in lets are 
>to high for a good direct flow, as well the inlets need to be low enough to 
>have a ramp so the air can climb up hill to get to the barrels. This ramp 
>allows a more direct and better cooling when the KR is in it's nose high 
>climb configurations.
>So I cut out the old in lets last night and glassed over them, now I have to 
>cut out new in lets and flare and glass them.
>As my engine has twin Stromberg Carbs with the oil dampened slides, the carb 
>oil level has to checked before each flight or the carb will NOT get full 
>throttle. I cut three inspection hatches in the top of the cowl, 2 for the 
>carbs and 1 for the oil dip stick.
>Then !!!!!   hopefully the cowl can be painted, the barrel shrouds finished, 
>and that will be it, all Finished, except for the C of A
>Phil Matheson
>SAAA Ch. 20
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