Can anybody remember or have first hand experience if you can use the
coating on a canopy for masking for paint??
Lee Van Dyke

The solvents in some paints will attack the coating and get to the
Plexiglas.  This will leave a permanent haze on the Plexiglas.  Also you
may have pin holes in the coating you won't see until after painting.
Recommend you peal the coating back just an inch or so around the edge
for bonding to the frame.  Tape the paint line with vinyl tape directly
to the bare Plexiglas.  Then tape plastic sheet to the vinyl tape to
cover the canopy using more vinyl tape.  Do the same for inside the
canopy.  Tape a foam pad to the outside top of the canopy so you don't
scuff the plastic cover (and Plexiglas) when you have it upside down on
the bench working the frame.  
The above is right out of the Tony Bengalis book.  Do get the
four-volume set; there's lots of good advice to keep you from a lot of

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N642
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

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